Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story

... So this huge giant robot fell on me. Thankfully I woke up seconds before the impact. My beautiful girlfriend rolled over in the bed and checked I was ok. After I said I was, she fell on me. Unfortunately I woke up seconds before the impact.
  • 25. I am incredibly awful at telling if something is true or not if it's delivered in a deadpan tone.
One of my favourite non-quotes is "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story". To that end I now wish to collect a bunch of stories that could be true (and would be awesome if they were), but unfortunately are not.

George Foreman lost his fingerprints in a grilling accident. There was no problem until he tried to travel around inside the US, and at one point they needed to get his fingerprints.
(This one was the work of Ross Noble. For a few weeks it was spread around the world as a real fact).

Credit Cards, when first invented, were limited to a single small area around where they were issued, and worked partially on the honour system.

The shortest ever name for a theatrically released American movie was a lesser known sequel to "Them!" simply called "Us!"

J.R.R. Tolkein received initial inspiration for The Hobbit and it's world from a concussion he received in the War. The concussion was caused by friendly fire.

Dungeons and Dragons, the pen and paper based roleplaying game, was originally based in the future, and called "Lightyears and Lasers"

Queen Victoria, despite being well known as dying a virgin, has been recently found by her own diaries to have never worn undergarments while in court.

The Author of Conan had Nazi leanings, as evidenced by the racist ideas present in his writing.

Sir Francis Drake was infamous in his era for having a very effeminate voice

The name 'Sheath', where soldiers in Medieval times put their swords, came from the Latin for vagina

The native inhabitants of America originally brewed marijuana in a coffee like drink

Ladies and gentlemen, one of the above is true. Try to guess.

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