Sunday, October 26, 2008

Road to authority!

... And that is why I don't have foreskin anymore.
  • 28. I have an obsession with trying to find odd things to do, hoping they will catch on. I'm trying to get 'Station' to be used as vernacular for 'cool'. Ask me about 'The Game' sometime.
Not really a nerdy post, but this is something I want to get out there.

Ladies and gentlemen, fake your quotes and see how long before someone calls you on it.

It always bothers me when someone will start quoting a relatively famous historical figure, using it as proof that their way of thinking is right. To me it just says "I am letting someone else justify my point of view, rather then justifying it myself".

The thing is, unless what you say is completely out of character for that historical figure, or the arguement is on the internet where they can do a search for it, you will almost NEVER be called on making up a quote. The game is to press it further and further, making up worse and worse quotes, just to see how long before the person is willing to call the quote. Or, if you REALLY want to push the envelope, just make up people to quote. It won't work in situations dealing with an expert on the field you're making up, but for most people they won't know enough to challenge you.

Some made up quotes for use. Think up your own, and make them up on the spot. Make up a quote supporting your position, then attribute it to someone famous.

"If man understood woman, the population would dramatically increase. If woman understood man, the population would dramatically shrink"

"To understand science is to know the world. To understand music is to know the soul. To understand philosophy is to know you know nothing."

"I disagree with everything you just said"

Most important is who to attribute to your quote. Here are some possibilities.

Mark Twain (he said f-ing EVERYTHING)

Some names NEVER to attribute to your quote, since it just makes it lose all credibility

1 comment:

Pixelation said...

Didn't Sartre say that?

Also... love the NSS