Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nerds say the darnest things

... And that's how I lost my cojoined twin...
  • 29. I have recently begun a campaign to get myself into shape. I found out that in 30 minutes I can cycle (on an exercise bike I recently got) about 14 km. So from now on I am going to cycle every day, adding .1 of a kilometer every day, so it gradually increases. I give it two months before I give up on this.
To those of you uninitiated, I give you, Bash.Org. Type it in, and enjoy.

It is a collection of internet chat quotes ranging from the random, to the inane, to the genuinely witty, to the metahumourish. Here are a collection from the top 100.

DeadMansHand: haha, last night, me and pete went out to celebrate his engagement and got hugely drunk
DeadMansHand: we got this great idea to bury eachother in the sand close to the water and see who would chicken out first
DeadMansHand: took about a half hour, but the water got up to my face so i freaked and got out
DeadMansHand: i looked around for pete and he must've chickened out before me and stumbled home or something heh
DeadMansHand: What'd he say when he woke up this morning?
Thirteen-: uhh.. he hasn't come home yet.. i thought he was staying with you?DeadMansHand: holy fuck.
DeadMansHand: i fucking hope im wrong about what im thinking right now
DeadMansHand: im fucking going back to the beach to make sure
DeadMansHand: if he gets home, call me, i don't want to be worrying about this
Thirteen-: will do. you better hope he's not still buried, you'll be in deep shit.
quit: (DeadMansHand)
Tyran: wtf? pete came home last night you fuck. Ken's going to be worrying about this shit all day
Thirteen-: haha yea, but it will be fun while it lasts
join: (PeteRepeat) (bob@3F8C4655.11D1C8C.18637D35.IP)
PeteRepeat: fucking ken
PeteRepeat: ken... that fucker buried me in the sand last night, i ran off about 5 minutes to it, left him there to be an idiot
quiqsilver: pete, ken didn't come back last night, i thought he was with you.
PeteRepeat: oh fuck.
PeteRepeat: if ken shows up, make sure he doesn't know that im at the beach digging for his body. i don't want him to think i care or anything.
quit: (PeteRepeat)
Thirteen-: rofl. Those 2 are going to get a huge surprise when they meet at the beach.
Tyran: i can't beleive how perfect their timing was

anamexis: oh man
anamexis: I was opening a coke, right
--> Beefpile (~mbeefpile@cloaked.wi.rr.com) has joined #themacmind
anamexis: and it exploded
anamexis: ALMOST all over my keyboard
anamexis: but I got it away just in time
-- Beefpile has quit (sick fuckers)
anamexis: :<

DragonflyBlade21: A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.

Night-hen-gayle: I gotta go. There's a dude next to me and he's watching me type, which is sort of starting to creep me out. Yes dude next to me, I mean you.

JonTG: Man, my penis is so big if I laid it out on a keyboard it'd go all the way from A to Z
JonTG: wait, shit

[TN]FBMachine: i got kicked out of barnes and noble once for moving all the bibles into the fiction section

Alright, now that my job has been done for me by a website, I'm going to go plan the two Halloween costumes I need this week.

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