Sunday, October 5, 2008

Will someone please tell game designers...

... And that is the story of why I am both banned from the Gym, and have recurring nightmares about being engufled by a tide of wrinkles.
  • 17. I have a special place in my heart for quick wit. If people can demonstrate genuine quick wit (not particularly malicious, intelligent humour made up on the spur of the moment) then I am in awe of them.
That they are NOT writers.

I'm currently playing Neverwinter Nights 2, and enjoying the gameplay. It's a decent game, don't get me wrong, it's good value.

It's. Just. So. Badly. Written.

Seriously, this game doesn't have a story, it has a series of bad guy encounters bereft of plot thinly tied together by backstory and geography.

Still, time to go back to playing it. It's enjoyable if you skip the cutscenes and ignore the stupid party members.

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