Friday, October 24, 2008

A riddle

... And that's when I returned his vibrating razor.

27. When it comes to gossip, I am a hypocrite. I tell myself I don't want to know, but then I listen in like a bitch the moment anything's being said about people. I'm an information whore.

What is 12,000 words, 28 pages, and a mark of both shame and pride?

The pen and paper based roleplaying rule system I came up with over the past four days.

I probably shouldn't talk about it too openly, after all this is nerdy on an EXTREME level. EXTREME. Seriously, writing your own roleplaying rule system is worse then writing Star Trek Fan Fiction. Goddamnit, I have no pride at the moment.

... Except in the rule system. Seriously, I like this thing. It's complex enough to cover most eventualities, but not so complex it takes hours to play out.

General overview of the system? Why, thank you for asking hypothetical audience who may or may not read this far into the post.

In general, it's basically a system of opposing dice rolls. It designed to play out Hong-Kong style martial arts action, in the modern world or the ancient world, or even a fantasy martial arts world. There is no realism in this thing. The average statistic value for anything (Strength, agility, durability, perception, etc) is 2. The stats go all the way up to 10, with a strength of 9 being classed as "capable of punching a castle gate down with his bare hands".

So... Yeah. I am such a bad geek it terrifies me. Well, never know, I may somehow end up making a living off my jack of all geeks status somehow. Here's hoping I do.

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