Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why few FPS' do anything for me

... To which Oscar Wilde said "Oh yeah, well... your... Mum screws pigs!" I never timetraveled again to meet my idols, since it was always so disappointing.
  • 8. I am notoriously bad at finishing what I've started. I wrote a 12,000 word summary for a novel idea, and 18,000 words on what could've been the first of many novels, before giving up. I managed to get to draft 2 of my script before putting it on the back burner. Hopefully I'll go back to it soon. I'm just amazed I managed to finish the comic concept writing and script.

As a gamer, I focus primarily on the computer. It's just easier, I find, since my computer is in my room, and the PS3 we got for free with our TV is in the family room. With that in mind I've got a limited field of games I can really go for.

On the PC there are really four genres of note with any brand of appeal to me.. RTS (Real Time Strategy), FPS (First Person Shooter), RPG (Role Playing Game) and SIM (SIMulation games).

RTS' can be great fun if done right. The main trouble is that I've be spoiled with the Total War games (from Rome onwards. I missed the possible Geek Cred by saying I started with Shogun: Total War). I'm sorry Warcraft fans, but bog off. I don't care HOW powerful the specific abilities of your army members are, a dozen people is NOT an army.

No, it isn't.
NO, it isn't.
Even by todays standards, where a dozen properly trained people can cause immense damage, a dozen people is NOT an army.

Whenever I play an RTS now my first thought is "How big can I make this army", and in most cases I'm disappointed. Even in the scenarios wherein I'm not disapppointed by the max unit numbers, I'm then disappointed by the fact it's entirely unfeasible to make armies that large since you will be rushed way before then, and even if you do then the games no fun since you steam-roll everything. When I play an RTS I want either something out of the ordinary that's awesome (like space fleets in Homeworld) or massive armies clashing. So most RTS' are out.

FPS' aren't really my style. They wildly fluctuate between two different methodologies. "Ultra realistic weapons and decapitations as you have to slowly march your small squad stealthily through the enemy base, picking them off carefully as a single mistep is your death" or "You're a super soldier who can take out a bazillion people by urinating on them, and when you have a gun, well... they're just fucked.".

Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed some FPS' in the past, but none of them GRAB me. I never got into any of the Half Life games, or any of the ironic FPS'. And just to annoy some people, I'd like to point out that "A super portal between dimensions unleashes an army that only one man can stop" summarises both Doom AND Half Life. In general none of them have stories that make me go "Oh no, I must stop those dastardly villains". They best they've ever gotten from me was "Where're more things to kill? Oh, off in that direction".

RPG. Now we're getting into my territory. Or at least, we should be. The RPG was among my favourite styles of games, where the differences in your character changed things so much. Roleplaying games could all have such different mechanics, it's often one of the more innovative game genres. It often links in with other mechanics (Action-RPG and Tactical-RPG are common terms, in which the RPG is linked with the FPS and RTS respectively) and improves on the game. It makes things genuinely more FUN.

However, in recent years the RPG has been ruthlessly molested, kidnapped and held for ransom. Games like Dungeon Siege reduce it from a tactical game in which you must make game altering decisions and choose the path of your character wisely, to a glorified point and click with a random item generator. I'm sorry, but once again, bog off, there are few enough games like Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect for you to be poisoning the well by telling the world this is a 'good RPG'.

Then the ransom. "MMORPG". I love the idea, but like all things it needs to be in moderation. Now suddenly you're completely unable to look up upcoming Roleplaying games, since ALL of them are 'pay per month' online games. It IS possible to make a good RPG that isn't MMO, guys, please, bring back the single-player (or limited multiplayer, like Neverwinter Nights) RPG and let it once again take it's place in the hearts and minds of people. I LOVE Mass Effect. Seriously, that game, were it a person, I would give up my anal virginity to. It's that awesome. A good RPG with a good storyline is an incredible couple of days to yourself. Even an RPG with good gameplay and large amounts of story alteration and character customisation is more fun for me then a vast majority of other genres.

Finally, the Sim. I'm playing Spore at the moment (everyone with a computer seems to be doing so) but it really isn't doing much for me. Some of it is incredible, other parts are just poor design decision. The Sims that really work for me at, you guessed it, Mech Sims. If I ever become wealthy I am going back and buying that X-box game with the special 40 button control panel (including a special eject button, which is the only way to survive your mech being blown up. Very important, since if your character dies, his file is deleted and you have to start from the beginning). But even just a good quality Joystick and Mechwarrior Mercs 4 will keep me entertained for hours. When they finally come out with Mechwarrior 5, I will be excited.

They are doing Mechwarrior 5, right?


... right?

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