Tuesday, December 2, 2008

X vs Y

If a Werewolf bites a dog, does the dog turn into a person at the full moon and prowl around at night ordering takeaway and investing in the stockmarket (two defining attributes of humankind)?

  • 57. I have a zombie invasion survival plan. Really, that's all that needs to be stated.

One of the pillars of the geek and nerd community, something that ALL of us have indulged in at one point or another, is the even popular "X vs Y" debate. "If Magneto fought Darth Vader, who would win?" (Magneto, he could just crush the electronics keeping Vader alive, not to mention prevent him from moving his mechanical arms, which seems to be required for him to force-choke people.) It's a staple of our mindset. And so, with that in mind, I present a few new X vs Y's, and my thoughts on the matter. (Note: These are all presented in the spirit of good fun. I'm just coming up with random characters from nerd-culture and throwing them against each other)

Zombies (Romero Style) Vs Werewolves: Werewolves have the initial advantage in that they can rip apart the Zombies and are strong enough to physically crush the head. However against a zombie horde there is only so much close-combat fighting you can do before you'll get bitten. Then we get Werewolves dying of infection at best, or Zombie-Werewolves at worst.
My thoughts on the winner: Zombies.

Obi-Wan (New trilogy) Vs Spiderman: Assuming Obi-Wan doesn't just cheaply mind-trick his way out of it, it's a genuine fight. My opening thought is Spidey would just web the Jedi, but then I realised the lightsaber could cut through the web. Then I though Spidey would take the lightsaber with webbing, but realised Obi-wan could probably keep hold through the force.
My thoughts on the winner: Draw

The Hulk vs Mary Sue: Mary Sue talks the Hulk down from his rage, befriends him, but then dies tragically in a way that will always be remembered and admired despite the fact she didn't really do anything, since the Hulk just gets pissed at her death and kills everyone.
My thoughts on the loser: Us.

Michael Westin (TV show 'Burn Notice'. Good show.) vs McGuyver: Both are improvisational genius' with gadgets. I'll give the edge to Westin because he is a highly skilled fighter and gunman willing to use lethal force, once the gadgets have done their bit.
My thoughts on the winner: Westin

Star Wars vs Star Trek: Star Trek's technology is more advanced, but Star Wars is just plain cooler.
My thoughts on the winner: Star Wars, because I say so.

Spiderman Vs Batman: The two main comic cashcows of the two major comic companies. Spiderman could easily outfight Batman, but Batman would be prepared for the fight and have a dozen plans to let him beat Batman.
My thoughts on the winner: They engage twice, one wins each time, until they find out the Venom Symbiote has infected Joker, and team up to take him down.

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