Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ace Ventura sentences you to being buggered

Is there a difference between 'geek' and 'nerd'? I use them interchangably, but everyone else seems to disagree. If there is a difference, I'd call it less then a difference of semantics. Do not divide, my dorky breathren! Unite! Multiply! Increase exponentially! Use mathematics metaphors to increase in 'power'!

  • 83. I don't GET New Years. I only celebrate it because I feel I'm obligated, and if I don't like I've missed out on something. But to me... It's just a day when I have to open a new Calender. "Hooray! Now we'll all have to get used to writing a different date!" Bloody hell, I hate difficulty enough keeping track of the months passing.

So, I just watched Ace Ventura 2. Amusing movie, just like the first, however there was a bit of an... odd situation in there.

For those of you who haven't seen the movie, look away now. But if you haven't, there is something wrong with you.

Ok, spoilers incoming.

The bad guy gets violated sexually by an amorous silverback Gorilla.

The last time I saw this movie, I was a youth who didn't even get the masturbation reference (man, I bet I'd annoy alot of my older friends by revealing that fact), that's how young I was when I saw this movie. As you can guess, I didn't get the "surprise! silverback sex" joke either. Now I do get it.

The guy was a villain, oh lord was he a villain, but I'm not sure this is the fate he deserved. Seriously. To be dragged back behind a bush and lose his anal virginity to the sweet melody of "In the jungle" at the hands of a many-hundred-pound Gorilla. After which he would stumble around in the Jungle and either (A) die of exposure, (B) be caught and killed by the tribes he pissed off, or (C) get rescued and go back to civilisation with no proof of what he did wrong.

A and B feel a bit off for a comedy. The bad guy is anally assaulted by a monkey then dies at the hands of either nature or stereotypical African tribes. That sounds more like the ending for a Tarantino character then an Ace Ventura baddie.

C feels almost like a let-down. He's traumatised for life (again, not a comedy ending) but otherwise gets away with it.

Call me weird for thinking about it too much, but... Surely they could have filmed a scene or two showing him getting taken away in a police van or something. And even if he was a bad guy, I'm not sure anyone deserves an uninvited Gorilla wang up the date.

Coming tomorrow (or the 1st, whichever I feel more inclined to post on): Why I want to be in an evil-based roleplaying Pen and Paper game.

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