Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Someone fetch my rocketpack

There are two actors that EVERYONE respects. Stephen Fry and Morgan Freeman. Meet someone who doesn't like one (or both, gods forbid) of them, and I will point out to you someone who is a robot pretending to be a person.

  • 70. You know that one guy everyone's met who, for reasons that are difficult to explain, just annoys EVERYONE? There's something about him that just puts everyone he meets off. I live in perpetual fear that I'm that guy, and people are just humouring me.

One of my favourite things to do on a boring day is sit back and watch a few old movies and TV shows (from the original Star Trek movies back) to get an idea of what the future we currently inhabit is supposed to look like.

My personal favourite is Transformers the Movie. The original, as in "the holy grain of late-80's". Apparently we all ride around in this (*, and a pick-up truck looks like this (

Oh, and we dress like this (, except when wearing an Exo-suit (

Retro-futuristic. It seems an odd term, but it is the name for what I'm describing. What people in the past thought the future would be like. Ray guns, radiation mcguffins, flying cars and personal robots. But then that was all screwed up by lasers not being effectively deadly, radiation turning out to kill everyone, drunk drivers and the robopocalypse.

What brought this apparently random discussion of the nature of the flawed ability to predict the direction the future will go? I looked across my desk and saw one of those 'static orb' things with the pink lightning inside them that are attracted to your hand, in the shape of an Alien's head. I love that thing. And they're everywhere in retro-futuristic stuff.

* Then again, while googling that image I came across this (, so maybe we do.

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