Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Random Bag III: The return of the bag

... So apparently sodomising a poltergeist not only gets rid of the problem, but gets you a neat souvenier, too. I've got the ethereal restraining order hanging on my wall now.

  • 58. I have a weakness for blondes. And Brunettes. And Red-heads. And black-haired women. In fact, any natural hair-colour gets my boat a-floatin'. I don't get the hair-colour preference.

1. I have plans to astound a group I meet with every thursday with my amazing psychic abilities this week. I'll wait 40 minutes then tell them how I'm doing the trick. I love messing with people.

2. I mentioned Star Trek for the first time ever in this blog last post. Within an hour I had a google hit from someone searching 'Star Trek'. How many of you people ARE there!?

3. Apparently too many. http://www.geekstir.com/img/trekmap2.jpg. People, it's a fictional galaxy. I am a nerd, I am a geek, and I am proud of it. But this weirds even ME out.

4. Even now and then I think I should be a vegetarian for moral issues, if not health-based issues. Then I remember I enjoy meat too much. I'm weak willed, it's part of my charm.

5. Something that has never ceased to amaze me about the nerd-world is how well we can adapt fiction so all inconsistencies are accounted for, or overlook things that aren't in line with our world view. Here are a few of my favourites.
  • "Made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs". A Parsec is a unit of distance, not a length of time. George Lucus made a mistake, he admitted it. BUT this keeps no geek down. The enterprising Star Wars nerd (who happened to write Star Wars comics) came up with a way to account for this. Apparently the Kessel run is very dangerous, so you have to take a very round-about route through it that is a long long distance. Only good pilots with good ships can cut the corners needed to make it in 12 parsecs.
  • "Star Trek is based on REAL physics." Except for the fact we can't actually travel at faster-then-light, there's no such thing as beam weapons of any use, for genuine space based fleet combat, to travel the distances needed for intra-system travel, ships would be moving so immensely fast so far away you would never get a visual on them, and the fact they can hear the explosions of other ships through space.
  • Star Wars again, the ULTIMATE Star Wars example of ignoring what they don't like in the fiction. "Han Shot First." Google that phrase. I dare you.
  • Last Star Wars, I promise. While filiming episode 3 (the 6th one) the people making most of the decisions had all the stunt doubles ready to shoot The Emperor vs Mace Windu + Backup, until George shows up on set. He says he wants to do lots of close-ups, so he gets the actual actors (one of whom is an elderly Shakespearean actor) who've had NO practice with the fight sequence to do it themselves. This is why the fight sequences looks so ridiculous and stupid. The fan explanation? "Well Palpatine was out of practice, he hadn't used his saber in decades."

6. I don't get why people are struggling so much to follow this season of Heroes. Personally, I think they screwed up alot of the story arcs and characters, really didn't use them to their potential, but it's easy to follow. Maybe my memory for stories is just working in my favour, for once.

7. Someone hurry up and make a sandbox game that DOESN'T offer the possibility of shooting prostitutes. And make it an RPG, preferably. Though with action and FPS elements sounds good too.

EDIT: ADDITIONAL: Oh god horrible! In writing things for this post I came across this link
Read to about halfway down. Han was married to a friggin' wookie in George Lucus' eyes!? Oh christ. No wonder George loves Wookies so much.

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