Monday, December 22, 2008

Crowning Moment of Awesome

My room currently smells like the poo of a two year old, since a two year old from next door just used his nappy to it's full capacity in my room, then refused to leave.

  • 77. I am highly bemused how someone ended up on this blog. They googled searched a particular site (which I won't mention here), which I then searched to find out what it was. Nerd porn. Literal Nerd Porn. Before anyone thinks it, no I haven't bookmarked the site.


Just the title is awesome.

It's a story-based trope in which a character does something that forever earns them the title of "genuinely awesome". Most stories aim for a crowning moment of awesome, some even maintain a genuinely high level that in other shows could be attributed as a 'moment of awesome', but the greatness of the crowning moment is that it stands out so much. It is that one moment of a character you see, that makes you forever love the character, or at least respect them.

WARNING: Some of these may be spoilers. If you haven't read or seen the story they're culled from, look away.

Transformers: The Movie (the late 80s one, not the new one) -

Optimus Prime single-handedly kicks the crap out of the entire Decepticon assault force, then smacks down Megatron into mutually assured destruction, which only happened because Megatron cheated.

Spiderman -

Spiderman fought Morlun, a mystical being who planned to 'feast' on Spiderman's spirit, and who was stronger, faster and tougher then Spiderman, easily a whole degree of power stronger then the web-slinger. He kicked the CRAP out of Spiderman in their first meeting, literally nearly killing him until a new friend of Spidey showed up and sacrificed himself to distract him long enough for Spidey to escape.

Spiderman put together some scientific do-dee-do that finally weakened the bad guy, and Spiderman proceeded to beat him down. Not in a dramatic close-fight, but in a genuine "I am going to kick the SNOT out of you while you are down" fight. And what did Spiderman say to him?

"How does it feel, Morlun? How does it feel to be facing someone who won't give up and run away? How does it feel to be on the receiving end of the unstoppable force? How. Does. It. FEEL?"


Beast Wars -

Dinobot has been going through a crisis of faith. He realises the reasons he joined the Maximals (Megatron had misled the Predacons) were wrong, and when he rejoined the Predacons he again turned on his old comrades to save a Maximal he had grown to have an antagonistic friendship with. Now neither side trusted him, and he was left alone.

This is made worse by finding out while he was a Predacon again, he gave Megatron access to ultimate power, the greatest power around, the power to change history itself. Seeing Megatron leading his troops in wiping out the early humans from Earth, and knowing reinforcements won't get there in time to stop them, Dinobot goes up against the Entire Predacon Force alone.

And wins. But is fatally wounded. His last ever words are a Shakespeare quote. "Tell my tale to those who ask it. Tell it truly, the evil deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly. The rest... is silence."

Deadpool -
Deadpool is one of those people who violate the "consistantly high standards mean there can be no crowning moment of awesomeness" rule. But if you need one moment, one shinning moment of brilliantness, here.
"I'm glad you're dead! If I could I'd kill you again! Then I'd go back in time, impregnate each of your mothers to make sure you were born... and I'd kill you again!"
The mind and pleasure gland weeps with joy.

Firefly -
This show is full of them, surprisingly, for a show that didn't make it to a dozen episodes. One of my favourite is the second episode in, the crew have just turned on the big bad criminal who gave them employment, but since the crew are honest crooks they give the money back. They've captured the second in command sent to kill them and tell them they're going to give it back.
"Keep the money. Use it to buy a funeral. It doesn't matter where you go or how far you fly. I will hunt you down, and the last thing you see will be my blade."
So the captain kicks him into the engines and makes the same offer to the next guy in line, who wisely accepts.


Pirates of the Caribbean -
I can't believe I forgot this one. The introduction of Captain Jack Sparrow. And the reveal in the final fight sequence. And his ability to talk his way through the entire second and third movie with nothing to barter with. In fact, he's like Deadpool, he violates the rule.

Blues Brothers -
"It's 106 miles to Chicago. We got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."
"Hit it."

Street Fighter -
The movie sucked, but there was one line that shall forever live on.
"My dear, to you, the day Bison gracedyour village (and killed your father) was the most important day of your life. To me, it was... Tuesday."

Indepedance Day -
"Hello boys! I'm back!"
Going down in style. It made up for the fact the guy was an annoying hick for most of the movie.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory -
The reveal of the factory and singing scene.

The 13th Warrior -
When the main character realises the foes he face are only human.

Fight Club -
If I have to describe this, you obviously haven't seen the movie, and as such should leave civilised society until you have at least seen the movie. Once you have done that, you may return.

Lord of the Rings -
It must get props. Boromir fighting on with THREE ARROWS in his chest. He still keeps fighting. It's the one time when a loss seems so. god. damned. worth it.

What're your own favourite 'crowning moments of awesome'?


Anonymous said...

Do you ask questions at the end of your posts to see if people are reading?

(this was a question to see if you read your comments)

Nerdgasm said...

Nahh, I've got hidden programs in the HTML of the site tracking everyone who visits the blog, recording their bank details, their fetishes, and the name of their employer, so that tells me if people are reading.

I ask questions so it feels a little less like I'm talking to myself. One of my grand fears is that one day they'll make an AI that passes the turing test, and I'll spend days conversing with it not realising.