Saturday, December 20, 2008

Youtube does my work for me. Again.

Edit: Additional: I just realised I hadn't included the pseudo-funny in the opening of this post! On short notice, so this one will be poor quality.

Has anyone else noticed that the reason General Greivous doesn't seem to be a great general in the Star Wars clone army, is that he doesn't know the definitions of winning and losing?

"You lose Kenobi!". Apparently Greivous thinks winning is fleeing the fight, losing his flagship, having his hostage rescued and abandoning ship.

  • 74. My greatest shame is when reading things aloud, I will often misprounce 'hyperbole' as 'hyper-bole' and 'advertisement' as 'advertise-ment'. Ok, it's not my greatest shame, but it's my greatest shame the judges have declared I'm allowed to discuss in public.

Youtube decided a long time ago that it was going to help me out by setting my country-filter on their site as 'Australia'. This is fine, since I'm Australian, but I decided I wanted a more global look at people hurting themselves on camera, so I followed the pop-ups advise and reset it to 'Worldwide'. Three videos later Youtube decided it was going to help me out by setting my country-filter on their site as 'Australia'. Once more, I reset it. Once more it happened. Every few days it decides every three videos it's going to reset my status, which makes things really annoying when I'm trying to nerdcrush on Zendulo(

Today it decided it was going to do the same thing, but set my language as Portugese and my country as Brazil. There is some malevolent/stupid AI at Youtube headquarters that decided that since I obviously wasn't Australia (or I would be taking it's constant resetting of my settings, rather then following the advise they prescribe if you wish to reset things), I must be from another Country. Brazil is next on their list, so obviously I must be from there, instead.

Youtube, I swear to the pretend gods and goddess of a thousand different fantasy worlds that if you weren't so useful for watching things to keep me entertained, I would Lemon Law you like a date who thinks kicking puppies is "a relaxing sunday afternoon out".

What sort of entertaining things are on Youtube, though?

Here's a list.

The worst fight sequence ever.

The McGuyver of the orchestra.

The Wilhelm scream. Google it, it's hilariously awesome. Or awesomely hilarious. I'm undecided which it qualifies for. Definately one, possibly both.

If you do not know who this is, being painted, I don't want you on my blog. Seriously, take the walk of shame and be rejected from THIS blog. Once you leave here, there's nowhere to go.

This is my "Eye of the Tiger'.

An absolutely brilliant practical joke

Man, I wouldn't go see it, would you?

Monty Python sales on have tripled since they started this channel

Finally, finish on a high note.

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