Saturday, December 6, 2008

What's wrong with Vampires?

Things to pass on to my offspring number 107: Learn how to write backwards. That way when someone passes out at a party you can write something on their head for the next time they look in a mirror, to the great amusement of everyone.

  • 61. I think I'm a pretty easy going guy. Relaxed, laid back, capable of letting most things roll off my back. Recently though, I found out that apparently one of my hot buttons is having my achievements belittled by someone effectively stating "If you're not performing as ridiculously high as I am without effort, you're failing." Well, dear lady, screw you and the high horse you rode into town on. I am HAPPY with what I have achieved in the past, and if it's not up to your standards, I suppose somehow I'll just have to learn to live with that.

In answer to the title of this post: Not THAT much, but what is wrong with the current modern portrayal ruins a great deal of it.

Let's look at a few ways the vampire can be portrayed in various forms of media without ruining it for everyone.

1. Animalistic demon. This thing is NOT human anymore. It's just a psychotic predator with no empathy, sympathy, or any other -pathy. It makes sense. Imagine having your 'human' identity completely subsumed by a ravenous thirst and hunger for the lifeblood of those you would otherwise exchange water-cooler talk with. It would turn you into little more then a viciously cunning animal. From a media standpoint this type of Vampire is awesome. It's a threat vastly stronger and more powerful then the protagonists are, forcing them to rely upon the Vampire's inbuilt weaknesses and their own gadget-based advantages. That makes for a gripping fight sequence.

2. Sociopathic Dictators. Humans are nothing more then cattle to Vampires, things to be directed and led in the path the Vampires wish. Having used his/her immortality to secure a vast underground empire, the Vampire directs things according to their agenda. This could be either amassing their own power within the after-dark world of Vampires, or even setting things up so they can conquer the world.

3. Pragmatic Blood-suckers. While having no greater affection for mankind on a whole then someone completely disillusioned with life might, this Vampire recognises he needs to work within the system. This Vampire has no real grudge against humanity, but recognises they need to feed off us (either directly or by proxy) to survive, otherwise not really caring about us.

Now let's discuss the type of Vampire that isn't really acceptable, and screws it up for the entire subgenre.


Ok, now next post I'll be discussing the ups and downs of-

Wait, you want more?

Ok, ok, fine.

Twilight: Vampires are not there to be broody, handsome strangers who protect the sorta-pretty-but-not-cheerleader-not-really-that-popular-but-really-just-misunderstood-girl at school after falling in love with her from afar in a romantic tale of Romeo and Juliet proportions.

Actually, it'd be ok if it was Romeo and Juliet, since they DIE.

Seriously, kids, do I have to spell this out? This is not a Vampire movie. This is a cheap marketing wish-fulfilment movie aimed at a market stupid enough to apparently fall for it. Vampires blend into the world by not REALLY being a part of it, not by longing for it. They're frigging IMMORTAL, they're going to see any human they come in contact with wither and die in front of them, why would they even bother to learn our names?

I'll be honest, I saw the trailer, not the actual movie. The only bit that vaguely interested me was a few seconds when the wanker-vampire said "What if I'm not the hero?" My mind went in a completely different direction. If it was a movie about a kid finding out he had superpowers, but was experiencing highly villainous temptations, trying to resist them with the help of someone... That would be pretty cool. Especially if they went the ballsy route and had him fall to his temptations (probably dying after falling, by putting himself in danger to protect the people who had tried (and failed) to help him). That'd be ok.

But no, turns out it's about vegetarian vampires who play baseball.

C'mon Hollywood. At least TRY.

When I finally get around to moving in, I expect you to be putting more effort in.

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