Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ace Ventura sentences you to being buggered

Is there a difference between 'geek' and 'nerd'? I use them interchangably, but everyone else seems to disagree. If there is a difference, I'd call it less then a difference of semantics. Do not divide, my dorky breathren! Unite! Multiply! Increase exponentially! Use mathematics metaphors to increase in 'power'!

  • 83. I don't GET New Years. I only celebrate it because I feel I'm obligated, and if I don't like I've missed out on something. But to me... It's just a day when I have to open a new Calender. "Hooray! Now we'll all have to get used to writing a different date!" Bloody hell, I hate difficulty enough keeping track of the months passing.

So, I just watched Ace Ventura 2. Amusing movie, just like the first, however there was a bit of an... odd situation in there.

For those of you who haven't seen the movie, look away now. But if you haven't, there is something wrong with you.

Ok, spoilers incoming.

The bad guy gets violated sexually by an amorous silverback Gorilla.

The last time I saw this movie, I was a youth who didn't even get the masturbation reference (man, I bet I'd annoy alot of my older friends by revealing that fact), that's how young I was when I saw this movie. As you can guess, I didn't get the "surprise! silverback sex" joke either. Now I do get it.

The guy was a villain, oh lord was he a villain, but I'm not sure this is the fate he deserved. Seriously. To be dragged back behind a bush and lose his anal virginity to the sweet melody of "In the jungle" at the hands of a many-hundred-pound Gorilla. After which he would stumble around in the Jungle and either (A) die of exposure, (B) be caught and killed by the tribes he pissed off, or (C) get rescued and go back to civilisation with no proof of what he did wrong.

A and B feel a bit off for a comedy. The bad guy is anally assaulted by a monkey then dies at the hands of either nature or stereotypical African tribes. That sounds more like the ending for a Tarantino character then an Ace Ventura baddie.

C feels almost like a let-down. He's traumatised for life (again, not a comedy ending) but otherwise gets away with it.

Call me weird for thinking about it too much, but... Surely they could have filmed a scene or two showing him getting taken away in a police van or something. And even if he was a bad guy, I'm not sure anyone deserves an uninvited Gorilla wang up the date.

Coming tomorrow (or the 1st, whichever I feel more inclined to post on): Why I want to be in an evil-based roleplaying Pen and Paper game.

Monday, December 29, 2008

21st Century is NORMAL for me

If a Euphemism is interpreting a normal sentence in a sexual way, would a Euphemist be someone who indulges in that?

  • 82. Last night, for the first time ever, I got drunk with wine involved. Stupidest thing I've done in a LONG time. Stick with Beer and Spirits.

Short post today.

So. 2009 incoming, eh? Bugger me royally. We are so well and truly into the future, it scares me. As someone who is only turning 22 in a month and a half, I am forced to accept that for the vast majority of my life (I don't count my years prior to 10 as 'me') I have existed in the 21st century.

I am a child of the future. For me, wireless internet, GPS tracking systems in cars, cruise control, automatic toll paying devices that beep when you drive through tolls, mobile phones the size of your palm sending text and images with ease, and an endless collection of naked people only a few keyboard clicks away... is natural.

Bugger. When the apocalypse comes and society is turned into an anarchistic wasteland (either due to Zombies, or some other reason) I won't last a day.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I -gasm'd, how about you?

A drunk walks into the bar with a sack over his shoulder. Another drunk, with the curiousity only a child or a child-like mind can have, says "What've you got in your sack?"
"Hedgehogs" is the reply, "I've got Hedgehogs in my sack."
"How'many Hedgehogs?"
"I'm-m not gonna tell ya." The drunk is interested now.
"If I can guess how many you got, will you give me one'o them?"
"I'll give you them both.
- Dave Allen

  • 81. I currently have NO plans for New Years

Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to start something.

From now on, all people who read this post have the sacred duty to continue on this tradition in your own social circles. If this isn't a 'thing' by 2010, I shall be disappointed.

I wish to turn "-gasm" into a suffix.

By now you are all familiar with the origins of the term (a portmandeu of orgasm with another word). An obvious example is Nerdgasm. Here are some more.

Horgasm - Enormous enjoyment you paid to have induced (thanks goes out to James for this one)

Shaudenfraugasm - Enormous enjoyment at someone else's pain/discomfort

Monogasm - Enormous enjoyment in the company of only oneself.

Teargasm - Something that promotes enormous enjoyment and unhappiness at the same time

Bastgasm - Enormous enjoyment at screwing someone over (alternatively, enormous enjoyment over an Ancient Egyptian diety)

Irongasm - Enormous enjoyment at something particularly ironic happening

Autogasm - Enormous enjoyment at an awesome car.

Starscreagasm - Enormous enjoyment at taking control

Forcegasm - Enormous enjoyment at Starwars

Congasm - Enormous enjoyment at fooling someone

Readgasm - Enormous enjoyment coming from reading something

Paygasm - Enormous enjoyment at receiving money

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Starship Troopers, the original book. Really, that's enough of a joke for anything.

  • 80. I am making this post to the theme of "You've got the touch". One day I want to run down a busy city street in pretend slow motion with this playing loudly, just to freak people out. In fact, that, along with general "Get off your lazy arse" will be my New Years resolutions

So, I had an epiphany regarding Anime. It came to me when watching Hero. I checked a few other general swordsman movies to confirm my theory, but it seems to hold up.

Modern anime is (most of it, at least) a simple continuation of that style of storytelling. I apologise if this is common knowledge to everyone else involved, but it's only just occured to me. Obviously there are some exceptions in both genres, but let's look at some of the general themes (this list is stolen from wikipedia).

The 'generic' wuxia plot may be: "A common plot typically features a young male protagonist in ancient China who experiences a tragedy and goes through exceeding hardship and arduous trials to learn. Eventually the protagonist emerges as a supreme martial arts master unequalled (...), who then profeers his skills chivalrously to mend the ills of the (...) world."

While there are obvious counter examples, a large, LARGE number of the anime shows follow this sort of pattern. Replace 'martial arts' with whatever the focus is, and China with whatever applicable country (yes, I know anime is traditionally Japanese and Wuxia is traditionally Chinese).

The Code of Xia. Wikipedia uses the comparison of the Robin Hood mythology, an "honourable and generous person who has considerable martial arts skills which he puts to use for the general good rather than towards any personal ends, and someone who does not necessarily obey the authorities". Again, aspects common to alot of anime style shows.

Now, consider one of the more important parts of both things. The growth in 'power'. Usually both Wuxia and Anime have someone who has a general talent for the combat systems involved, but still must practise and grow in capabilities over a period of time, focusing themselves on their goal. Few other genres put so much importance upon the increase in combat abilities over time to the narrative, except perhaps roleplaying games.

I may be completely wrong, or discussing something everyone knows, but meh, it was interesting to me.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

May-ry Christmas

The phrase "I've been force fed cheese" is inherently funny. In fact I think 'cheese' is an inherently funny word. One day I will, without lying, make my facebook status "Stephen is sitting at home eating cheese" just to see if anyone finds it as funny as I do.

  • 79. My eyes are frequently larger then my stomach. In the metaphorical sense, rather then the literal. If I did mean literally it would imply I had a tiny stomach, or scarily huge eyeballs.

Going into Christmas with a post about Nazism is a bit rough, so I'll have this be my 'few day leave-off' post.

Merry Christmas nerdlingers.

May your shots be either alcoholic or prefixed with head-

May any sentence using 'ganked' as a verb begin with "I ganked..."

May your eye have tiger-ish qualities

May your loot rolls give you what you want

May your d20s roll critical hit after critical hit

May your comics be innovative and lacking in boring cliche

May your health bar be full

May your gauss rifle always be loaded

May the Zombie Apocalypse be more 'fun' then 'terrifying'

May your superpowers be awesome (like Spiderman) rather then lame (like Aquaman)

May the force be with you.

Christmas break

Today I worked out one of the main things that bugged me in the difference between Christianity and Islam. Among Muslims, it's not unusual to name a son Muhammad, after their Prophet. However, you don't get many Christian children named 'Jesus', for some reason. Part of me is tempted to raise my first son atheist, and name him Jesus, just out of my love of Irony. Or name him Loki, for gits and shiggles.

  • 78. When I was younger I was a Santagnostic. I never really had an opinion on Santa existing or not, it didn't change anything of my life.

Short post today. I'm just letting you know I'm taking a few days break over the Christmas period, since I think I've damn well earned it. Over a hundred blog posts up, and a semi-regular readership established (at least according to Google analytics).

So instead of actual words, I'm once more going to let You Tube do my work for me.

I think it's a load of bollocks, but you have to admit it's hilarious.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Crowning Moment of Awesome

My room currently smells like the poo of a two year old, since a two year old from next door just used his nappy to it's full capacity in my room, then refused to leave.

  • 77. I am highly bemused how someone ended up on this blog. They googled searched a particular site (which I won't mention here), which I then searched to find out what it was. Nerd porn. Literal Nerd Porn. Before anyone thinks it, no I haven't bookmarked the site.


Just the title is awesome.

It's a story-based trope in which a character does something that forever earns them the title of "genuinely awesome". Most stories aim for a crowning moment of awesome, some even maintain a genuinely high level that in other shows could be attributed as a 'moment of awesome', but the greatness of the crowning moment is that it stands out so much. It is that one moment of a character you see, that makes you forever love the character, or at least respect them.

WARNING: Some of these may be spoilers. If you haven't read or seen the story they're culled from, look away.

Transformers: The Movie (the late 80s one, not the new one) -

Optimus Prime single-handedly kicks the crap out of the entire Decepticon assault force, then smacks down Megatron into mutually assured destruction, which only happened because Megatron cheated.

Spiderman -

Spiderman fought Morlun, a mystical being who planned to 'feast' on Spiderman's spirit, and who was stronger, faster and tougher then Spiderman, easily a whole degree of power stronger then the web-slinger. He kicked the CRAP out of Spiderman in their first meeting, literally nearly killing him until a new friend of Spidey showed up and sacrificed himself to distract him long enough for Spidey to escape.

Spiderman put together some scientific do-dee-do that finally weakened the bad guy, and Spiderman proceeded to beat him down. Not in a dramatic close-fight, but in a genuine "I am going to kick the SNOT out of you while you are down" fight. And what did Spiderman say to him?

"How does it feel, Morlun? How does it feel to be facing someone who won't give up and run away? How does it feel to be on the receiving end of the unstoppable force? How. Does. It. FEEL?"


Beast Wars -

Dinobot has been going through a crisis of faith. He realises the reasons he joined the Maximals (Megatron had misled the Predacons) were wrong, and when he rejoined the Predacons he again turned on his old comrades to save a Maximal he had grown to have an antagonistic friendship with. Now neither side trusted him, and he was left alone.

This is made worse by finding out while he was a Predacon again, he gave Megatron access to ultimate power, the greatest power around, the power to change history itself. Seeing Megatron leading his troops in wiping out the early humans from Earth, and knowing reinforcements won't get there in time to stop them, Dinobot goes up against the Entire Predacon Force alone.

And wins. But is fatally wounded. His last ever words are a Shakespeare quote. "Tell my tale to those who ask it. Tell it truly, the evil deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly. The rest... is silence."

Deadpool -
Deadpool is one of those people who violate the "consistantly high standards mean there can be no crowning moment of awesomeness" rule. But if you need one moment, one shinning moment of brilliantness, here.
"I'm glad you're dead! If I could I'd kill you again! Then I'd go back in time, impregnate each of your mothers to make sure you were born... and I'd kill you again!"
The mind and pleasure gland weeps with joy.

Firefly -
This show is full of them, surprisingly, for a show that didn't make it to a dozen episodes. One of my favourite is the second episode in, the crew have just turned on the big bad criminal who gave them employment, but since the crew are honest crooks they give the money back. They've captured the second in command sent to kill them and tell them they're going to give it back.
"Keep the money. Use it to buy a funeral. It doesn't matter where you go or how far you fly. I will hunt you down, and the last thing you see will be my blade."
So the captain kicks him into the engines and makes the same offer to the next guy in line, who wisely accepts.


Pirates of the Caribbean -
I can't believe I forgot this one. The introduction of Captain Jack Sparrow. And the reveal in the final fight sequence. And his ability to talk his way through the entire second and third movie with nothing to barter with. In fact, he's like Deadpool, he violates the rule.

Blues Brothers -
"It's 106 miles to Chicago. We got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."
"Hit it."

Street Fighter -
The movie sucked, but there was one line that shall forever live on.
"My dear, to you, the day Bison gracedyour village (and killed your father) was the most important day of your life. To me, it was... Tuesday."

Indepedance Day -
"Hello boys! I'm back!"
Going down in style. It made up for the fact the guy was an annoying hick for most of the movie.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory -
The reveal of the factory and singing scene.

The 13th Warrior -
When the main character realises the foes he face are only human.

Fight Club -
If I have to describe this, you obviously haven't seen the movie, and as such should leave civilised society until you have at least seen the movie. Once you have done that, you may return.

Lord of the Rings -
It must get props. Boromir fighting on with THREE ARROWS in his chest. He still keeps fighting. It's the one time when a loss seems so. god. damned. worth it.

What're your own favourite 'crowning moments of awesome'?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I feel Blizzard is overrated.

Two men walk into a bar. One of them turns to the other and says "Didn't we have a third guy?" They go outside and look, and see their friend just now walking up to the bar. "Where did you go?" "Sorry mates, I got lost and went into the bar next door. They've got a naked priest, a talking horse, and a twelve inch pianist. Crazy stuff."

  • 76. I have lost weight since getting a semi-regular exercise routine. Actually, no, that's a lie. I weigh the exact same as I did three months ago. I just look skinnier, and that's worked out from photo comparison rather then subjective assessment. I don't know where this god-damned weight has gone. It alarms me. Has it all migrated to my arse?

I am going to say something now that will potentially get me kicked out of all circles of nerdom. It will shock, amaze and stun you all.

I do not like the -Craft series of games. Warcraft, Starcraft or World of Warcraft. I tried playing Starcraft, I tried Warcraft 3, and I even tried a trial of World of Warcraft. None of them had any appeal to me.

Starcraft felt too detached to me. It never felt like a cinematic experience, involving, or tense, which are things I love in RTS'. Even in what should be a dramatic and tense strategic moment, it felt like I was just clicking the mouse, rather then directing a battle. What should've been enormous sweeping engagements of marines attempting to mow down hordes of dog sized alien organisms before being engulfed in a wave of destruction and sharpness felt like pixels going through programmed routines without excitement.

When I played Warcraft 3 it felt like they just took the most annoying parts of RPGs and threw them into an RTS designed for rapid fire playing instead of any involvement. I can understand how that would be a requirement for online play (where losing a 2 hour long game to someone dropping out would suck immensely) but it's not the sort of RTS I enjoy. Not to mention the same problems Starcraft had.

World of Warcraft, from what I experienced, was designed as a timesink, not a game. It never grabbed me, and the average player I encountered treated it more like a job rather then entertainment, which genuinely scared me.

Is it any wonder then when I click on links for the upcoming Starcraft 2 that all I feel is... unenthused?

I watched the 'battle report' linked to on Ctrl-Alt-Del (some of the comics are amusing), here At no point did I feel any interest. The over-the-top excited commentary sounded as ridiculous as getting similar commentary on a game of chess. The combat looked uninspired, the graphics looked subpar, the gameplay seemed boring and too hurried, while the map looked like a collection of drab primary colours layed over a height-map.

Count me out of this 'gaming revolution'.

Call me when they make a Transformers MMOFPS, a Heavy Gear or Mechwarrior RPG, or a Sandbox Fantasy game with the 'Director' from Left4Dead included.

XvY2: Algebra meets fighting

There was a fighting game on the Sega Genesis called Final Fight, in which the player had to fight a couple of women characters. Since this was deemed inappropriate, Sega refused, so the game creators revealed they were in fact transexuals, since apparently it's so much better to beat up transexuals then women.
Scroll down the SNES and GBA version section in Censorship for the proof.

  • 75. I am three quarters through the "100 facts about myself" blog post aspect. Ha ha! See what I did there?

As one or two posts might've alerted you, I am fascinated by the concept of "X vs Y". It's the height of laziness and awesomeness at the same time. "Hey, we've got the rights to X and Y, two independent intellectual properties. Let's stretch them both out further by making them fight" or "Hey, those guys with the other intellectual property are willing to collaborate with us, so we both make more money with half the work." (Aliens Vs Predator started because in Predator 2 the Predator ship had an Alien skull on it. Awesome.)

Often the pairings make only the most general of senses. Marvel Vs DC. Two entire UNIVERSES of superheros fighting. There've been some vague crossovers in the past (one or two insane characters saying they've off-panel interacted with someone from the other universe) and a couple of make-no-sense-story-arc-crossovers. Spiderman and Batman teamed up to fight the Joker and Carnage, who were the best of buddies until they disagreed on murder methods. "A giant smilie face bomb that detonates and makes everyone in Gotham die of laughter! MUAHAHHA" "Yeah, or we could slit their throats." "... What did I ever see in you?"

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. What do these two have in common? Absolutely nothing. But that doesn't stop them from making a fighting game around the concept. They even came up with a stupid story behind it.

Star Wars vs Soul Calibur. Ok, they didn't call it this, but what else can you call it when Darth Vader and Yoda are brought in to kick the crap out of stupid looking stylised warriors with swords larger then them, which follow no rules of physics and don't seem to be even sharp.

So, what other Vs would be awesome?

Zombies Vs Aliens: To make this as AWESOME as it should be, let's make three assumptions

1. Aliens can be infected with the Zombie virus if bitten (and somehow the bites can penetrate the skin of the Aliens)
2. Facehuggers born of zombies would be Zombie Aliens
3. Zombies still try to eat the Aliens, despite the fact their acid blood would melt them.

Now come on, picture a heavily populated human planet turned into a Zombie-world, with a dormant Alien Nest on the planet. The Aliens awake for some reason, start trying to do stuff, only for them to be facing hordes of the undead, and their own drones being turned into siff limbed zombies, all the while both sides are attempting to get at the few remaining humans (there are always humans) for food/replenished ranks. AWESOME. AWESOME to the MAX.

Batman Vs Jason: Need I say more? Batman's long lost cheerleader cousin is off having careless teenager sex with a jock when this activity rouses the attention of Jason. Batman must protect everyone from the Psycho while they escape, meaning he has no time to do his standard "research their weakness" thing so he can't just defeat Jason in the blink of an eye.

The "I know what you did last Summer" guy against Wile E. Coyote: Both lose, since they have an inherent anti-winning-streak, and are both so predictable it hurts. We all win.

Darth Vader Vs Davey Jones: This one just came to me. Excuse me a moment while I picture the awesomeness.

Think of your own X vs Y and post it in the comments.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Youtube does my work for me. Again.

Edit: Additional: I just realised I hadn't included the pseudo-funny in the opening of this post! On short notice, so this one will be poor quality.

Has anyone else noticed that the reason General Greivous doesn't seem to be a great general in the Star Wars clone army, is that he doesn't know the definitions of winning and losing?

"You lose Kenobi!". Apparently Greivous thinks winning is fleeing the fight, losing his flagship, having his hostage rescued and abandoning ship.

  • 74. My greatest shame is when reading things aloud, I will often misprounce 'hyperbole' as 'hyper-bole' and 'advertisement' as 'advertise-ment'. Ok, it's not my greatest shame, but it's my greatest shame the judges have declared I'm allowed to discuss in public.

Youtube decided a long time ago that it was going to help me out by setting my country-filter on their site as 'Australia'. This is fine, since I'm Australian, but I decided I wanted a more global look at people hurting themselves on camera, so I followed the pop-ups advise and reset it to 'Worldwide'. Three videos later Youtube decided it was going to help me out by setting my country-filter on their site as 'Australia'. Once more, I reset it. Once more it happened. Every few days it decides every three videos it's going to reset my status, which makes things really annoying when I'm trying to nerdcrush on Zendulo(

Today it decided it was going to do the same thing, but set my language as Portugese and my country as Brazil. There is some malevolent/stupid AI at Youtube headquarters that decided that since I obviously wasn't Australia (or I would be taking it's constant resetting of my settings, rather then following the advise they prescribe if you wish to reset things), I must be from another Country. Brazil is next on their list, so obviously I must be from there, instead.

Youtube, I swear to the pretend gods and goddess of a thousand different fantasy worlds that if you weren't so useful for watching things to keep me entertained, I would Lemon Law you like a date who thinks kicking puppies is "a relaxing sunday afternoon out".

What sort of entertaining things are on Youtube, though?

Here's a list.

The worst fight sequence ever.

The McGuyver of the orchestra.

The Wilhelm scream. Google it, it's hilariously awesome. Or awesomely hilarious. I'm undecided which it qualifies for. Definately one, possibly both.

If you do not know who this is, being painted, I don't want you on my blog. Seriously, take the walk of shame and be rejected from THIS blog. Once you leave here, there's nowhere to go.

This is my "Eye of the Tiger'.

An absolutely brilliant practical joke

Man, I wouldn't go see it, would you?

Monty Python sales on have tripled since they started this channel

Finally, finish on a high note.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Phallus monster vs Rastafalien

Today I passed a threshold of nerdom. I experienced geek rage. Someone was WRONG on the internet, and I felt the overwhelming compulsion to correct them.

  • 73. Given the option of the Matrix or the real world, I'd go with the Matrix. And not just because I could do kick-arse high kicks in the Matrix.

One or two people raised the question since I brought it up last blog post, so I'll definitively answer it here.

Predator kicks the Alien's arse up and down the street all week, leaving nothing behind by shattered carapace and acid burns. A Predator is, at worst, a LITTLE weaker then the Alien (unlikely, judging by the bulk difference) in sheer strength. But he has advanced tactics, equipment and weaponry on his side.

However, this is an inaccurate representation of a genuine fight for three reasons.

1. It would NOT be "Alien Vs Predator." It would be "Aliens vs Predators", and there are always a crapload more Aliens then Predators. The Alien's advantages are numbers and surprise. A cunning Predator can counter surprise, but Numbers will be what gets them in the end.

2. Variety. Take any two Predators, and they will be different. Take any two Aliens (of the same Xenotype, at least. We'll say human-based Aliens, for ease here) and they will be exactly the same. This is both a strength and weakness for both sides. On one hand the uniformity of the Aliens means there's no real weak point in them, they're all equally dangerous. On the other hand, the Predator's variety means that some of them may be more of a liability in the fight then an asset (novice hunters, for example), while others may be able to more then pick up the slack. Case in point, look at the Predator in AvP2. That dude was an experienced hunter who kicked all sorts of arse.

3. There is rarely reason for a stand-up fight between the two. Predators generally just want to hunt a few Aliens, get some trophies, and leave. Aliens just want to protect the hive, normally (though occasionally I can imagine them trying to capture a Predator so they can get a strong host). This means the most you're likely to get is a couple of Aliens ambushing the one Predator, though normally the Predator would pick his fights better.

The Predator is WAY cooler then Aliens.

I want to make a cocktail called "The Disintegration". Not because it disintegrates your stomach, etches glass, or anything like that. I just want to make it so I have an in-joke about Darth Vader telling Boba Fett he's not allowed any Disintegrations on the job.

  • 72. I have just returned from a family gathering. Some of my family are nice, others I'm glad I only see on a yearly basis.

Ok, I've got something that's been bugging me since I saw the movie (again) earlier today. You've all seen the Predator movie, right?

You, up the back, the one who said you haven't, leave now and do not return until you've seen the movie. And you, over there, the one who asked if the second one was enough, no it's not. The second Predator movie (AKA "Danny Glover gets his arse kicked and runs away for 90 minutes") does not count for the purpose of this question.

Ok, now we're all up to speed, let's get to the thing that's been bugging me.

Let's work out the basic assumptions here.

1. The Predator sees in Infra-red throughout the movie.

2. When the Predator removes his mask, he still sees in the infra-red spectrum, but everything comes off as quite red. This implies two things.

2A. To the Predator's natural range of vision, everything in that hot jungle is visible as quite warm. Not boiling, but most definately above the ambient background temperature.

2B. Since EVERYTHING shows up as red, presumably the mask's function is to allow the Predator to differentiate the heat on Earth more effectively. This implies the temperature differentiation on his home planet (that which his species adapted to) is far greater then earth.

3. The Predators are attracted to Earth in times of extreme heat, according to the lines spoken by the ONLY woman in the entire movie.

3A. The general assumption made from this is that Predators come from a very hot planet, and they come to Earth in times of extreme heat so they're not too uncomfortable.

Ok, let's just analyse a few things here. For Heat-vision to be effective, it needs to be able to differentiate the user's pray from the surroundings. For that to work the surroundings need to have one 'reading' and the prey need to have another. On Earth, in general the surroundings are blue (colder) and the prey are red (warmer). However, the Earth background in this hot temperature the movie is set in reads as red (warm).

There are two ways this can be explained. Firstly, the standard prey of the Predator homeworld is far, FAR colder then the background temperature (enough that the temperature differentiation, a quite reasonably amount, can be naturally accounted for in the Predator's sight), which is quite quite difficult to fathom since any creature living in such a warm environment would have it's body temperature dragged up by the environment.

The other option is that the Predator Homeworld is actually COLDER then the Earth's equator-based jungles. Reasonably colder, too. Cold enough that it is greater then the deviation in temperature between the ambient temperature of a humid equator-based jungle and a commando who has strained his body to its limits.

Either that or I should repeat to myself it's just a show, and I should really just relax.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why Games Designers need some Marketing Training

A nine foot tall rooster walks into a bar, looking tired as hell. The bartender looks surprised when the rooster pulls up a chair, sits down and orders a drink.
"A talking Rooster, don't see many of you guys."
"Yeah, this bar doesn't really agree with us, but I just NEEDED a drink, and to get out of the house."
"A rough morning crowing at the sun?" The Rooster fixes him with a withering glare, then downs his drink in one go. Gulp, it's gone, and without thinking the bartender's pouring him another.
"Oh har har. No, it's me wife, actually. She's hounding me day and night to get me into bed. It was great at first, but now I just can't take it." The Bartender raises an eyebrow, and the Rooster pulls a photo out of his wallet. It's a photo of the most beautiful blonde put on this earth. A body that could stop a train in its tracks, a smile that could give a statue an erection, and a certain gleam in her eye that spells the good kind of trouble. The bartender is amazed, completely speachless for several seconds..
"Holy crap! I was expecting you to be married to a, you know, chicken or something."
"Nope, chickens don't marry." The Bartender just blinks a few times before his curiousity takes over again.
"How did you two, you know, fall in love?"
"Turns out no woman can resist a nine foot cock."

My sense of dignity was telling me not to put that joke down, since this blog has my actual name on it (which, thinking of it, I'll remove the surname of, not that it'll help if someone genuinely tries to identify me, since my email's here). But screw it, I just made that joke up two minutes ago, and I am going to TELL the f***ing thing.

  • 71. If I spell it 'arse' I'm talking about my posterior (or possibly your posterior, or a specific or general third party posterior, dependant on context). If I spell it 'ass' I'm discussing a four legged mammal.

Ever heard of the game Boarderlands? I saw a sneak peak in a magazine I get regularly a number of months ago, and it looked pretty cool.

FPS/RPG game with vehicle combat in which you can jump from one vehicle to another. Just that sentence gets my attention. Seeing the ragged, Fallout-3 like set-up they've shown for the world REALLY grabbed my attention. Freeform sandbox gameplay OR you can follow the singleplayer campaign story OR co-op freeform multiplayer. That gets my heart beating so fast I'm getting a workout just by reading it.

Then I saw this.

When you're showing off your product to the world with phrases like "man, I just disintegrated that guy", "Mordekai is such a badarse even though he's wearing a skirt" and "you can get, like, green type weapons that fire acid, that can melt off a guys face. Like in Indiana Jones", you have lost my vote.

Point 1: If disintegration is a selling point for a game, it's lost my attention.
Point 2: If you refer to your own characters as 'badarse' you've got a few issues. I have seen very, very few characters in games who make me stop and go "Wow, badarse."
Point 3: Similar to point 1, except substitute 'melting off faces with acid' for 'disintegration', and throw in a healthy 'until your game makes a gun called the "Lost A.R.K." that fires holy spirits to melt people, it's not Indiana Jones-like'. In fact, I think I'll go on record and saying 'Indiana Jones style claymation face melting is NOT a goal, for many, many reasons.

Well done. In that one video you just lost a customer.

Someone fetch my rocketpack

There are two actors that EVERYONE respects. Stephen Fry and Morgan Freeman. Meet someone who doesn't like one (or both, gods forbid) of them, and I will point out to you someone who is a robot pretending to be a person.

  • 70. You know that one guy everyone's met who, for reasons that are difficult to explain, just annoys EVERYONE? There's something about him that just puts everyone he meets off. I live in perpetual fear that I'm that guy, and people are just humouring me.

One of my favourite things to do on a boring day is sit back and watch a few old movies and TV shows (from the original Star Trek movies back) to get an idea of what the future we currently inhabit is supposed to look like.

My personal favourite is Transformers the Movie. The original, as in "the holy grain of late-80's". Apparently we all ride around in this (*, and a pick-up truck looks like this (

Oh, and we dress like this (, except when wearing an Exo-suit (

Retro-futuristic. It seems an odd term, but it is the name for what I'm describing. What people in the past thought the future would be like. Ray guns, radiation mcguffins, flying cars and personal robots. But then that was all screwed up by lasers not being effectively deadly, radiation turning out to kill everyone, drunk drivers and the robopocalypse.

What brought this apparently random discussion of the nature of the flawed ability to predict the direction the future will go? I looked across my desk and saw one of those 'static orb' things with the pink lightning inside them that are attracted to your hand, in the shape of an Alien's head. I love that thing. And they're everywhere in retro-futuristic stuff.

* Then again, while googling that image I came across this (, so maybe we do.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Random bag prequels: Episode 2, the noun who verbed me.

... And THAT'S how I learnt that freedom of expression doesn't cover nudity in public.
  • 68. I imagine for most people, when they think of fantasy cliches for 'good' and 'evil' characters, they think of the Knight in Shinning armour for good, and the sociopathic thief/assassin for evil (or possibly mage, I don't really do the magic stuff much). For me it's the other way around. My 'good' is the lightly armoured but quick and nimble swashbuckler, while my evil is the heavily equipped but ponderous armoured warrior.
And you get a second fact about me, because I'm feeling generous, and want to get past the number 69 as quickly as possible.

  • 69. I thought I was over my shame at my geekiness. Apparently not. I have deleted the link to this blog from my facebook page. I don't want too many of my real life (or RL, as the acronym goes) to know I am this bad.

1. Playing Fallout 3 at the moment. I'm loving it, absolutely amazing game, any nerd who has not played it or have vague plans in the future to give it a try should be taken out back and suffer Old Yella's fate (receive a stern talking to and have their rabbies cured with a dart fired by the gun. That's what happened, right? Right? ... Right?)

Two things about it that I want to discuss specifically., though.

A) I love the living world they've got going. It feels like people are actually going about their day to day tasks, rather then just waiting for you to do your thing, with some random bystanders walking around to give the impression of a real world. That's what it is, but it's cleverly camoflaged. The trouble is that when you want to find quest specific people... It's impossible to find them. They could be ANYWHERE.

B) The V.A.T.S (Vaultec Assisted Targeting System) is a nice idea, trying to reclaim the turn based system of the original games. Trouble is... It makes it too easy. Fights where I think I'm meant to be a little frantic in, I just press V, relax, plan out exactly how I'm about to empty a clip, click accept, and duck behind some cover. There's rarely anyone left, but if there is I wait 30 seconds, repeat. The feral zombie-creatures are ridiculously easy when you just wait for them to come close enough that a headshot is 95% likely, pause and kill them all in three shots from a pistol.

2. Played Soul Calibur IV (as in 4, not Intra-Veinous, or however that's spelt. Well done Steve, you just killed a poor joke through worse spelling) at a mate's place. Well, I say 'played', we were on it for 90 minutes or so, and in that time we played about five 60 second matches. The rest of the time I was playing around with the character creator. Made an evil heavily armoured knight with a claymore the size of him, and a Pirate-swashbuckler, complete with rapier (I know pirates normally have cutlasses, but rapiers are more Swashbucklery).

Let me tell you, there is little more amusing then seeing Darth Vader get the snot beaten out of him by a Swashbuckler.

3. End on a non-nerdism. I went to a German Barbecque yesterday. The BBQ was at about 4:30 or so. I did not eat again until 7pm the next day. Even then I didn't eat much. I sit here typing this still feeling bloated. Now, people who know me know I am a big guy in many respects, I am more then able to hold my own at the dinner table. Germans are in a league of their own.

4. EDIT: ADDITIONAL: I can't believe I forgot this. Knights of the Old Republic MMO. As an enormous fan of Star Wars and KotOR, an appreciator of a good MMO and a fan of social gaming...

I am officially lukewarm to this upcoming game.

I know, it makes no sense, but to me it just sounds like they're trying to squeeze everything that's worked in two very different playstyles (singleplayer story campaign based RPGs and online social-based persistant world MMOs) into the one game. Sounds good in principle, but I don't think it'll work, to be honest. It's like combining the simple joy of watching cartoons in the morning with a bowl of cereal designed to kill you slowly, with the more complex joy of vigorous sex. Your first thought is "That'd be awesome", but then you realise you'd spill cereal everywhere, miss all the good bits of the cartoons, and probably offend your partner by looking at the screen more then them.

... Man, that was a horrific simile.

I really hope Zendulo doesn't see that one.

Still, with regards to the MMO, I can be persuaded otherwise if the stuff they put out looks good enough.


Oh my god. Awesome. Most awesome thing ever.

If you did not laugh, your soul is gone, replaced with a cheese stick lodged in your humour gland.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Post 101: When blogging goes wrong.

A conversation I once overheard (without exageration)
"Yeah, we got together and hired a hooker to do lines off her stomach."
"You do realise that's not what they're for, right?"
"We couldn't afford that."
Which raises questions of how they afforded the lines in the first place.

  • 67. Over the past few months I have been regularly using weights and an exercise bike to try and get into some semblance of physical fitness. Today I weighed myself and was disappointed to find I weigh the EXACT same I did when I first started. Seriously, to the kilogram. Then I checked myself out in the mirror, and realised I could see a little muscle showing in a previously quite soft physique. I am ashamed to say my first reaction was "Yeah, I'd do me if the lights were out and I was lonely."

Without noticing, I snuck past the 100 post mark yesterday.

It feels like there should've been some kind of celebration, but after hitting 'publish post' there was a distinct lack of streamers, cheering audiences, alcohol, illicit substances or hookers (preferably not all at the same time).

So, having passed the magical 100 post mark in my blog, which has been going since the 11th of July (wow, nearly half a year), most posts attempting something that can be approximated to entertainment and/or wit, how do I celebrate this momentous occasion?

My 101st post has two references to drugs and prostitution.


Well, a couple of miscellaneous points today.

1. Having seen 'The Last Samurai' I have to say it is a movie that is best watched with a mocking commentary. But since it doesn't exist, it must be provided by the audience. I wish I was watching it with other people, since then someone genuinely amusing could have been providing witticisms, rather then my abortive attempts, a sample of which is recorded below.

A) Upon bursting out in drunken laughter at something offensive said by the disliked superior officer: "Man, we all have such a great time, huh? I mean, we need to do this more often."
B) When the Samurai's son is getting his hair cut off: "Not my hair, it's the source of all my power, noooo!" "Actually that's Samson." "Oh, really? Well just trim it WAY back then, it keeps getting in my eyes."
C) When wearing the armour for the first time: "How does it fit?" "A little tight in the groin. Aha ha! Just kidding, there's plenty of room for my below average willy."
D) When not withdrawing until after the canons have started blowing apart Samurai: "So we're just supposed to stay here, huh? We couldn't have run off after the first volley missed?"
E) When being told that the battle in which the Samurai are basing their strategy on ended in death for the entire defending force: "You couldn't have told me this BEFORE, huh?"

2. There's little more awkward then taking an instant dislike to someone after a conversation with them, then when meeting up with others hearing them talk positively about the person, moments before you were about to speak up about how they annoyed you. That happens, your only real response can be "Well. Bugger."

3. Currently working on a new possible comic book proposal, rather then doing things that'll actually affect my life. Without giving away details, I'll just say this: Comic fantasy is a goldmine.

Friday, December 12, 2008

"Well what is reality?" "You wouldn't know, you study philosophy"

One day I want to experience a genuinely sureal moment. I'm not talking a coincidence ("Oh dear, a taxi just so happened to turn the corner the moment I said I wanted one") or something ironic ("I saw a meteorologist get hit by a meteor"), I mean something GENUINELY surreal. My current preference is to see a random fight break out just as my MP3 player starts playing the Mortal Kombat theme, all the while Johnny Depp is walking by in the exact same outfit as myself (a bright yellow suit), somehow recognises me, says he reads my blog and would like an autograph.

  • 66. I refuse to play World of Warcraft. For me RPGs are great because of the interactive story they offer. Warcraft (other other MMOs) can only offer so much story, since, let's face it, it all has to be repeatable.

Short post today. Hungover. Turns out drinking from 2:30 until 11:30 on an empty stomach is a bad thing to do. Live and learn.

Ever seen Hellboy? How much of the demon monster in that was CGI?

The tentacles at all times, you said? Would you believe me if I told you they did the tentacles practically? They had a 'line' of little servos that twisted in random patterns, covered in rubber and painted it up (a bit more complicated then that, but I'm no engineer, don't judge me). Most people just assume that it's CGI because it looks impressive.

People have become used to CGI, expecting it in movies now, but not used ENOUGH to it. We see it, we can recognise it from years of looking at it and knowing what movie makers can and cannot achieve. "Giant fish-men pirates? Obviously they're CGI because there's no way film makers could get practical stuff looking that good". It's actually a curse as much as a burden, since so often things are just CGIed in that could probably be done practically. Underworld was a (relatively) cheap movie to make, and one of the best things it did was practical Werewolves. You could tell when they used CGI ones, since they used them for things it was impossible to get a guy in a suit to do, but when they did get the suit-wolves in, it was incredible.

Look at the new trilogy of Star Wars. Yes, the CGI allowed them to create a whole new range of impossible worlds, creatures and actions, but at the same time none of it was really realistic. There were so many special effects bits that just passed you by without even noticing (check out Obi-wan's robes when he hugs the four armed informant fellow in episode 2) , but at the same time there's so much that the law of averages just means there will be SOMETHING on screen that ruins it for you. Hell, one of the things that screwed with my head most was when I found out they NEVER made a set of clone-trooper armour. Never. Any Clone Trooper Armour you see in real life is fan made.

Long story short: CGI should only be used for things that can't be done practically at all, without looking ridiculous.


Two things, completely unrelated to the post.

1. Look up 'Rag Doll Masters' and try the demo. Quite amusing game, really.

2. I'm watching 'The Last Samurai' on TV at the moment. This really needs a riff track to be worth watching. Anyone I know in real life willing to get together with a case of beer (or whatever your poison is) order a pizza and watch this movie riffing on it?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rome: 1. Barbarians: 0

'Why' is an intrinsically funny question. Think about it, a majority of the jokes deal with 'why'. 'Why did the chicken cross the road'. You never get asked 'When did the chicken cross the road', presumably sometime before it showed up on the other side. 'How' did the chicken cross the road? Leg musculature evolved over millions of years. 'Who' did the chicken cross the road? That's a bit of a surreal question.
  • 65. If I live to be 65, I'll be happy. I'm 21 now, in 44 years it'll be 2052. 2052! That's the friggin' future! If by then we don't have magic immortality juice, intersystem flight, and a way to make good tasting healthy food, it ain't worth going on.

As regular readers of my blog know, I write. I want to write for a living, but for now I'm content to write for myself. I was going through a few things earlier today when I found a story I wrote when Rome: Total War was the new big thing, four years ago. I couldn't even remember writing this until I saw it. I think ever writer aspires to reach a point where they read over something they don't remember writing, and like it. I think I must be easy to please, since I enjoyed reading this.

It's a recreation of an actual battle fought in the game, with some appropriate dramatic license. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I did. If you enjoy it, thank you. If you don't, remember I was 17 when I wrote this. I write much better things now. No I'm not going to show you what I've written recently to prove it.

P.S. Why yes, I am just posting this to get out of having to do a 'real' post. You want a real post, make a blog of your own, bucko.

"Catapults, fire!" Marcus Julius chopped his hand down in an exaggerated gesture, so that even if the catapult crews didn't hear his voice, they would know to shoot. After a few moments, the flaming balls streaked into the night's air, flying over the gates of the town to crash into a collected group of swordsman, spearmen and beserkers. Men who were not killed instantly by the impact ran screaming through the town, rolling on the ground, trying to find a way to extinguish the burning flames. Marcus turned to his second-in-command, a young cousin brought along to give him some experience of life on the frontier. Marcus smirked slightly, seeing Quintus wince at the sounds of the German's screams echoing through the night. A few years under his command would turn the boy into a man, thought Marcus.
"Like music to our ear's, isn't it boy?" Marcus glanced back at the town, the catapults letting off another volley, sailing over their heads. Out of the four shots, one sailed low, landing dangerously close to a unit of Legionaires. Marcus made a mental note to have that catapult opperator flogged at the end of the battle. He glanced back at his young cousin to see the boy frowning at him.
"Have you forgotten that is the sound of men dying, Cousin?" said the boy. Marcus' hand lashed out, backhanding the yound man across the face, and knocking him from his horse. One of Quintus' retainers leapt off his own horse to help the man to his feet. Luca, the grizzeled veteran centurian who had for some reason attached himself to the boy glared up at Marcus.
"Don't look at me like that, old man! I am general of this army, he will show me some respect!" Marcus snapped, his own bodyguard glaring back at the centurian's manner, as Quintus' looked ready to draw swords and defend their lord's honour.
"I'm alright!" shouted Quintus, quickly pulling himself to his feet with the aid of Luca. Within a matter of moments he nimbly leapt back onto his horse, and gripped the reins.
"We'll head to the western flank of the army, 'commander'", Quintus somehow managed to make the title seem an insult, "If you head to the Eastern flank." Marcus opened his mouth to protest, then realised the boy was right, it was the correct tactical decision. He nodded, then repeated the order louder, as if to suggest it was his idea.
Marcus glanced at Captain Manias. "Order the Balista's to start firing on the gate, and remember to light the bolts." He then wheeled his horse away and began heading off at a gallop towards the eastern side of the army.

The Roman army seemed a daunting sight in the night, thought Adalgard, as he stared out from the hill at their lines. At the centre, the Romans had a unit of Praetorian's standing firm, and two units of their Legionaire cohorts stood at either side. In front of all of these men stood eight balistas, arranged in groups of two and spread out in front of the lines. His eyes could barely make out the men twisting the cranks of the complex machinary, and even those scant outlines were only because of the crackling flame at the end of the bolt. Suddenly, two bolts were released, one crashing into a guard tower along the walls of the city, setting the structure alight, the bowman within it collapsing out of the tower within a few moments, rolling along the ground to try and extinguish the flames. The second bolt flew high and crashed into the roof of a hut near the walls, setting it on fire as well. His eyes wandered back to the Roman lines, spotting over one hundred men on either flank, jeering into the night, yelling insults at the city. The Romans couldn't even fight their own battles, they enlisted the aid of those they strove to wipe out. His eyes then wandered to the rest of the army. Behind the Praetorians and Legionaires stood near two hundred and fifty archers. A line of fire before them, but none with arrows noched. Usually, he would see that as a sign of insanity from any commander, but arrows were better in open battle, while the Onagers next to the archers bombarded his forces with ease, far out of the range of even his best javlin throwers. Behind the Romans archers stood a large unit of javlin armed cavalry. When his scouts reported a thousand strong Roman force moving to beseige the city, Adalgard never expected it would be a challange. He had over one thousand eight hundred men under his command! In open battle, the romans would be crushed, but this was not an open battle. The roman's used their own city against them. For the Germans to attack the roman force, they would need to open the gate and sally out, which would mean leading his soldiers through the choke-hold that was the gate, and into the view of all those archers and balistas. It was a pure killing ground, and he would have little army left by the time it reached the cursed Romans.

Adalgard regretted killing that old man, now. He and a small force of cavalry had struck out one morning in a raid of the nearby Dacians, about twenty years ago now, but on the way back they encountered an old man in Roman livary, with a small bodyguard, and slaughtered him without hesitation, looting the fine jewelry from his body. He later discovered that the old man was Cassius Julius, the named heir of the Julii house of Rome. The Julii had then begun systematically wiping his people out. They had struck west with lightning speed, taking Lemonum and Narbo Martius within six months, cutting the Germans off from their allies, the Spanish. All Adalgard could do is hear the pleas of the spanish envoys, asking for help as the Romans systematically conquered their cities and enslaved their people. He knew he had no hope of getting an army past to help them, and he just built up his forces in anticipation of the war to come. He was distracted by his reminising by the sound of one of the bolts from a balista striking the wooden gate. He looked down in time to see a unit of spearmen moving to guard the gate with their lives. If the bolts managed to take down the gate, the Romans would invariably charge, and if they got a foothold within the city, the battle would become far bloodier.
"But how could it be bloodier..." he wondered aloud. The soothsayer next to him glanced over.
"You spoke, Warlord?" said the old man, one finger casually twirling the end of his white beard, seeming undisturbed by the carnage of his countrymen.
"No, I did not sayer. Now get back to convincing the gods to strike down these cursed men..." Adalgard saw a flaming pot of whatever the Romans were throwing at them crash down amidst a unit of his best axemen, many of them fleeing in terror, the rest either crushed or burned alive. His attention was distracted by the sight of another Balista bolt flying towards the gate. The soothsayers eyes widened for a few moments before it happened, then the flaming bolt crashed through the wood, impaling two hapless spearmen, setting them both on fire, and knocking them back into the ranked men behind them. The second bolt knocked the damaged gate open, taking another spearman in the face, ending him in an instant.
"Ready yourself men!" cried Adalgard, another unit of spearmen rushing to aid the first in holding back the invaders.

Quintus looked down the line at the unmoving ranks of Legionaires, the battles of their lives having long ago hardened them to the screams of the dead and dying. The gate had been opened by his siege weapons, so why wasn't Marcus charging? Was he so content to slaughter hapless men?

Marcus glanced down the line, a grin crossing his face. "Catapults! Double your efforts! I want to know ten minutes in advance before you run out of ammunition!"The Roman line didn't move, save to reload the balista's and catapults. The engineers in charge of the Balista's redirected their weaponry to pre-chosen positions in the walls, the flaming bolts crashing through the wooden walls, setting them alight, and weakening the structure.

Adalgard's eyes widened as he realised what the Romans were doing. "Curse them! Cowardly dogs!" he cried. The Roman's were content to sit there, all night if needed. Their Catapults rained death on his already demoralised soldiers, and their balista's knocked a couple of holes in his walls. He quickly turned to one of his messenders, passing on orders to redirecte soldiers to guard the new holes, standing to the sides of them so as not to expose themselves to the flaming bolts. He turned back to survey the situation, just in time to see the flaming balista bolt.
"Get down!" he shouted, ducking as he did so. The Soothsayer turned in surprise, and was taken by the bolt full in the chest, knocking him back off his horse, and sliding him dozens of feet along the ground. Adalgard turned away from the disgusting sight, and shouted orders to all the messengers waiting for his commands.
"All troops are to pull back to the town centre! We should be out of their Onager range there!" With that he wheeled his horse and shouted the order to his own retainers, before charging off to help the messengers deliver his command. As his soldiers moved to obey, more balls of fire fell from the sky, burning men alive, and scaring the wits out of their companions. Adalgard took stock of his situation. Out of his initial one thousand eight hundred men, he was lucky if he could count twelve hundred, and not a warrior amongst them could fight at their peak, they'd been running around to avoid catapult shots all night, and their will had been broken by the horendous sights they had seen. He wondered if they could stand up to the Legions now?

The Legionaire ran towards Marcus, stopping a few feet from his commander and standing at attention.
"Sir! The Onagers have three more rounds left." Marcus grinned, then turned to the messengers, waiting on their horses.
"Second and Third cohort are to move through the west break in the walls, taking up defensive positions on either side to allow second archers Auxillia through. Forth and Fifth are to do the same on the eastern break, with third archers Auxillia in. First cohort is to take up positions on either side of the gate so as to remain unseen, got it?" The messengers nodded, then sped off to inform the relevant troops.

Quintus had to admire the discipline of his cousin's soldiers as the marched through the gap and took up their positions on either side, allowing just enough space for the archers to stand. From his position atop his horse he could see the German warlord shouting out orders, and his soldiers rushing to obey. A group of axe armed warriors moved into position to charge the Second cohort, but their will faltered as dozens of pilums arched through the air, cutting men down where they stood. Still, they charged, and were broken across the broad shields of the Legionaires, fleeing back into the night. Another pilum salvo crossed the distance, and men screamed in pain as the heavy javlin-like weapons burried into their backs. Of the sixty or so men who charged, a little less then twenty survived the retreat. As if realising the folly of so few men trying to break a Legionaire position, over two hundred spearmen took up position and moved to charge the fifth cohort, slowly crossing the distance with their spears outstretched. The fifth and fourth turned to face the spearmen, and released a salvo of their pilums, before falling back. The sharp javlins fell many germans warriors, but the march continued. Suddenly, on order from General Marcus, the First Praetorian cohort burst through the gates and fell upon the rear of the Spearmen, slaughtering many as they stood. Quickly the Praetorian's disengaged, not a single red-adorned body amidst the many barbarian corpses. The Spearmen, operating on instinct more then orders, turned to face the new threat, opening themselves to a volley from the archers with forth and fifth cohorts. Third archer Auxillia's arrows tore through the spearmen, cutting many down as they stood, the cries of pain echoing through the city. Unsure of how to deal with this many threats, the spearmen broke ranks and ran, falling back to the town centre, the arrows of the third archer Auxillia falling many of them as they ran, of the over-two hundred spearmen initially, the germans would be lucky to count fifty. Suddenly Quintus' attention was drawn to a young man waiting by his horse, and he looked down at the messenger.
"General Marcus commands that you take up position behind the second archer Auxillia in two counts of one hundred, M'lord". Quintus nodded his thanks at the man, and began a silent count in his head, watching the ease at which the five Cohorts of the army formed up a solid line at the base of the hill in the middle of the city, where the town centre was stationed. Behind them the two Archer Auxillia formed up on the left and right flanks, leaving room for the first archer Auxillia in the centre. At the second count of one hundred, his unit of horsemen moved to their alloted position. He could see the Cavalry Auxillia and Marcus' unit of horsemen moving into position as well, and the Barbarian mercenaries threading their way through the horses get line up before the Legionaires.

Adalgard could do nothing but watch as his men were driven back to the town centre. He had less then a thousand now, and he could do nothing but watch as the Romans moved into position. They had an easy three hundred and fifty legionaires standing in line, with the full complement of two hundred and fifty archers. As well as that, the Barbarians standing before them easily numbered over two hundred, and near a hundred cavalrymen had taken up positions behind the lines. Occasionally one of Adalgards own units would break ranks and try to charge, only for their moral to break after coming into sight of the Roman units, and being peppered by archers. At least they seemed safe here, thought Adalgard.

"Archers ignite" said Marcus calmly, the centurian to his right repeating the command, but far louder. The archers tipped their arrows downwards into the recently prepared line of fire, the tips igniting."Draw back" Marcus said, the centurian once more repeating the command. He waited a few moments, to see if any more Barbarians were making a stupid charge over the hill. When none came, he spoke again.
"FIRE!" repeated the centurian, and a wave of flame and smoke washed out into the air, arcing over the hill into the unseen mass of the unwashed.

Adalgard screamed his frustration as dozens of men fell to the flaming arrows, collapsing to the ground screaming. The warlord glanced around his warriors. None of them had the heart to charge the Romans, but if they did not they would be crushed. Another volley of fire arrows lanced over the hilltop to crash into his horde, dozens more falling in agony, several being silenced and put out of their misery by the hands of their own friends.

Marcus watched the archers put five fire volleys into the air, before he ordered the halt. He turned to the centurian.
"All forces advance so that the archers have room to stand on the flat ground of the hill. And send the Barbarian mercenaries around their rear flank to hit them if they try to run." The centurian turned to the forces, as the messenger moved to inform the Barbarians of their orders.
"ALL MEN, FORWARD SEVENTY PACES! BY YOUR LEFT... MARCH!" The army began a slow measured march. The Centurian's measurements were spot on, thought Marcus, which is why he works for me. The archers once more quickly readied several lines of fire before their lines. Marcus gazed out over the Barbarian horde, noting with satisfaction how many had been killed by the flames. He turned to the leader of the Cavalry Auxillia.
"Follow my cousin, Father and Uncle would be quite annoyed if he died on campaign." He then turned to a nearby messenger. "Tell Quintus to march around behind that longhouse, when the Legionaire's hit the Barbarians, both my unit and his will hit their flanks." The messenger nodded and ran to the other side of the line. Marcus nodded at the Centurian.
"Archers! Ignite!" cried out the centurian once more.

Adalgard turned to his men, seeing the fear etched across their faces. What they fought weren't men, they were demons in disguise. They fought like monsters, but completely in synchronisation. No man could fight so orderly. Suddenly, the rain of fire arrows stopped. The solid line of over three hundred and fifty Legionaires began a slow march forward. Adalgard turned once more to see the five hundred men under his command, then let loose a bellowing warcry, and led the charge. Seeing their warchief march to fight, the army rallied and followed him, hitting the middle of the Legionaire line, right in the midst of the Praetorian cohort. Several of Adalgard's bodyguards pushed their way through the shield wall, but were soon cut down by the Praetorians in the latter ranks. Before the four cohorts of Legionaires could turn to flank him, the German forces began their charge. A single volley of pilums arched out, but the dozens of men who fell did not deter the warriors ferocity as the axemen hit the legionaires. The two units of remaining Spearmen entered the formation they had trained years to be able to do, and were about to hit the Legionaires when suddenly cavalrymen crashed into their flanks, halving their numbers in a matter of moments, then continuing on past the fleeing spearmen, hitting the axemen from behind. The German's bloodlust turned once more to panic as they realised they were surrounded. The Cavalry Auxilia that came around with one of the cavalry units rode past the battle, unleashing a volley of javlins into the ranks of the german army, one javlin even taking out the horse of Adalgard. He was thrown off it's back as the horse reared, and rolled away just in time as the horses bulk crashed down where he had landed. He quickly got to his feet and resumed the fight, his axe crashing over the shield of one Legionaire, taking the man in the face. Before he could turn to another target, he felt a burning pain in his back, and he collapsed onto his front...

Quintus' sword slid out of the warriors's back. He hated to kill from behind, but the man would only kill more of his countrymen if he wasn't stopped. He wheeled his horse to see a German horseman's sword slicing towards him, and he only just deflected the blow in time. Before he could counter attack, Luca's own sword stabbed forward, taking the man in the stomach. The Centurian and the Prince nodded at each other once, before turning back to the fray. He could see Marcus' company cutting through the Germans from the other side. No quarter was given as the once massive German army was cut down. The Legionaire's slowly moved foward, pushing the German horde backwards as it was cut down. Finally, some of the Germans moved to flee, running to the town centre, only to see it beind held by over two hundred barbarians fighting for the Romans, who cut them down. Quintus had to turn away at the bloodthirsty and desperate battle for the town centre between the two barbarian forces.

"Charge men!" cried Marcus to his bodyguard, spurning his horse onwards. He wished to be the one who took the centre, not that ragtag bunch of unwashed warriors. His unit charged forward, crashing into the back end of the two hundred or so German warriors left. His sword cut down one man, as another was crushed beneath his horses hooves. He never saw the axe that arched upwards, crashing into his chest and knocking him off his horse. He landed almost painfully on his back. Almost painfully, because by now his entire body felt cold and numb, blood covering his front as his eyes glazed over.

"Marcus!" cried out Quintus, seeing his cousin fall. He spurned his horse onwards, his bodyguard quickly following him into the fray as he crashed into the enemy, the combined weight of two cavalry charges into their number, against the anvil of two hundred mercenaries, finally spelt the death toll of the remaining Germans.

"Here are the final reports Sir" said Luca as he held out several pieces of parchment. On them detailed the casualties to both sides, a report of the battle, and a short testemony to how glorious Marcus' death was, serving his country. The German forces had been cut down to a man, not a single one surviving. The town was badly damaged by Marcus's catapult bombardment, but one of Marcus' retainers had told Quintus that he had planned to enslave the entire population anyway, so it was obvious his cousin had not cared about the damage. Quintus had put men in charge of helping to rebuild the damage done, as well as getting an architect in to aid in the improvement of the town, with sewers and an aqueduct planned. He had plenty of men to aid in the reconstruction. Each Legionaire cohort had lost no more then thirty men, and the Praetorians only a dozen.
"Thank you, Luca." Said acting general Quintus, taking the parchment and putting it into a small bag, along with a personal letter he had written to his mother and father. He handed it to the mounted messenger beside him.
"Ride fast and well, friend. Let all of Rome know about our glorious victory."
He spoke the words, but they seemed hollow for some reason.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Random bag Episode 1: The Prequels

... I have experienced the ultimate kick in the balls of joke delivery. I was repeating a joke a hilarious comedian came up with (Bill Bailey) to people who didn't know it, and one who did. I finished the joke, people chuckled, and the person who knew it said "yeah, I love that joke of his. Except when he delivers it, it's funny.".

Ow. My pride.

  • 64. Wile E. Coyote is the greatest cartoon character ever. Not a fact about me, but I think it expresses my view of life. I enjoy schaudenfraude (I think I spelt that right. The enjoyment of another person's suffering).

1. Droid numbers. That has always bothered me in Star Wars. Since we very, VERY rarely hear of Droids with identical serial numbers (their equivilent of names) let's presume that except in the case of mass production models (like the battle droids) there aren't usually HUGE numbers of a single model. Droids have serial numbers consisting of four digits of numbers and letters, for a total of (36x36x36x36 = 1,679,616 combinations, which is counting unlikely combinations like 11-11 or TT-TT). 1 and a half million combinations, roughly.

The Galaxy is obviously composed of thousands of planets with sentient species (according to 2000 senate chairs exist). Let's say 500 systems with trade contact exist outside of that 2000, for 2,500. That means there are 600 serial numbers available for each planet (for the sake of this we're assuming the number of highly civilised planets with enormous numbers of droids are equalled out by the culturally backward planets with few/no droids. Considering Tatooine had HUGE numbers of droids, apparently, per capita, then obviously the numbers are even further off).

Something about these numbers is off. It's bugged me for months since I worked it out.

2. At what point was it decided all things needed to have a point?

Oh, that's right.

The Industrial revolution and period of modernism.

My bad. Well I wasn't alive then, was I? Not my fault I forgot.

Screw you Industrial Revolution and Modernism. Now we can't just relax and enjoy things.

3. Oh yeah, that last thing had a point. That point is that I am a firm believer that things do not need to have a practical purpose to have a reason to exist. Anyone who disagrees with me, has not seen the amazingly awesome coolness of things such as custom made StormTrooper outfits, swords hanging from walls, or the joy of seeing top quality home-made Lightsaber fights on Youtube. And if they have seen those and still disagree, then you are a soulless creepy thing whose presence upsets small children, makes dogs bark, puts an itch in the back of the neck of adults, and causes typhoons.

4. I may have already stated this, but I'll state it again. The sooner we find some economically viable substance to mine or exploit in space, the sooner we'll develop space travel. The trouble with it at the moment is that there is no economic reason to go into space, meaning the only resources going to it are reasonablly limited ones from governments. Hell, even America was only discovered when royalty was promised riches from across the land.

5. If you read this and don't think it's absolutely INCREDIBLE, and something you want to see happen in your lifetime, you're horrible.

6. Everyone know the Byzantine empire? Good? Great, wonderful. They inspired the modern use of the word 'byztantine', which means backstabbing, politically untrustworthy. The reason for this is there were many stories during the medieval period about masses of assassinations and political murders in Byzantine history.

Now let's hear what actually happened. The Byzantines were amazingly civilised about political succession most of the time. It's just occasionally there was no clean line, so they went straight for the poison and backstabbing, killing everyone until one person was left. Normally they were better behaved politically then the Western European kingdoms were.

This sort of misrepresentation of people through English adopting their name is common. Look up Epicurius, the guy who gave us the word Epicurian.

EDIT: Corrected my maths. Added a new one.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Something I haven't done in a while

I recently found out the thin red streak that appears whenever I try to grow a beard (unsuccessfully) is because there was a crazy red-haired Irish lady a few generations back in my gene pool. That's how my mother described her. "Crazy red-haired Irish lady". I love my family.

  • 63. I recently had four black helicopters circling my house for about an hour. If this is my last ever post, I want you to know I love you all. Except that guy. He knows who he is.

I haven't made up any random characters in this blog in ages (see the first couple of posts I did), so in lieu of anything interesting or informative (ha! Like this blog has ever been those) I decided to make up a character.

First few characters I did this for were Superheroes, now I'll go with fantasy, since I've been playing fantasy games lately. However, since I am inherently lazy, I am once more going to let someone else do the hard work for me.

In this case, Rich Burlew, the genius behind the Order Of The Stick webcomics. Google him, and nerds will enjoy. Under the 'Gaming' section of his site is one part called the Villain Workshop (, for those too lazy to find it themselves). In this part he describes an easy way to create villains for a roleplaying campaign, but it can be adapted to create villains for any medium. You can read through this side by side with Mr Burlew's work, but I'll be describing the steps as I undertake them.

Step X: What is the villain's race or class?

I prefer antagonists who can be understood, personally. While the 'utterly alien unempathisable monsterous' kind of villain can be amusing (I'm looking at YOU, Joker), in general I prefer a villain who, if the circumstances were just a little different, could have been a hero. Since there won't be "classes" I'll go with just the race here, for which I'll choose human. No matter the fantasy setting, humans are always there, and they're always the race we relate to most (since MOST of us are humans.)

Step 1: Start with two emotions.

The idea behind this step is that there is a driving emotion behind the villain, something that inspires and motivates them to do evil. Greed is a good starting point. All villains have some degree of greed, but greed for what? I'll go with power, but not in the abstract form, I'll narrow it down to personal power. He wants to become the most powerful being. Does he want to just be the most powerful he can, or does he want to be the most powerful ever? What the hell, I'll go the whole hog and say 'ever'.

The second emotion is what the villain is supposed to inspire in people (in the original text, the players who encounter him. This could be terror, anger, fear, hatred, pity, or anything really. I'll go with Anger, for reasons that just occured to me in the writing of this.

So the human character so far desires personal power (physical? Or physical and something else?) and inspires anger from those who meet him.

Step 2: What events in the villain's past brought about this emotion?

I want the villain to be somewhat empathisable, to have the feeling that he could have been something far more then he is. I'll say some great tragedy. The villain was originally a great man, we'll make him a ruler of some kind, let's say Duke. He was a fair and wise Duke, who took care of all those beneath him, but loved his wife above all. They had many happy years, in which she even bore him a daughter. They all aged somewhat, as time does to people, before the king demanded the Duke aid him in a war effort. Though it pained him, he left his loved ones behind. The war dragged on, until the Duke heard of a raiding party heading towards his home town. Though he rode like the wind, when he got there his band was not enough to hold off the raiders, and he was left for dead. Most of his people killed, including his wife, tore from him the kindness and decency he had been honoured for.

How does this make him greedy for personal power? I'll get more into that in a following section.

Step 3: What is the villain's scale?

Part of me is tempted to make him enormous in scale, but that isn't entirely appropriate. Instead I'll make him semi-local. The scope of his villainy is currently local, but has the potential to affect other areas in a remarkably short time. For now he isn't a global threat, but he is definately working his way up there.

Step 4: What is the villain's goal?

Here is where things start to come together. As we've described, the villain has a lust for personal power. This isn't some wu-shu style fantasy game, where through super-training a character can stand on bamboo leaves (or at least, it isn't intended for that. It could quite easily be used for it). So he must have a method for advancing his personal power (possibly to over 9000). I'll go with a ritual, they're always good for fantasy games.

WHY does he want the power is a question I haven't answered yet. Let's say the loss of his wife has led him to want to preserve all that remains of her, their daughter (a useful plot hook for later on in the medium). He's seen how being a mere man isn't enough to protect that which you love (or once loved, in his case) so he must be more then that.

Step 5: What does the villain need to be able to achieve this goal?

Instead of simply having him become super powerful the moment the ritual is complete, I'll complicate things. The ritual has already happened, his personal abilities are linked with how others feel about him. The stronger the emotions, the more powerful he becomes. As Machiavelli said, love is much harder to control then fear and hatred, and so he set out to be hated and feared. High taxes, regular raids on his own villages, executions at offenses so slight they seem almost random.

Through this he is gathering power, and through that in the future he plots to overthrow the kingdom, and spread the reign of terror until he is feared and loathed throughout the land, becoming more powerful then any other mortal ever known of. All for the noblest of goals, to protect his daughter.

Step 6: What obstacles must the villain overcome?

Early on the obstacles aren't much trouble, just possible rebellious peasents who could be put down by his army. But such possible rebels could be used later in the story somehow, and the tales of how he brutally dispatched their leaders could spread to attract attention.

The most obvious obstacle for later on in his plan to overthrow the king is the fact that kings don't like usurpers (for some weird reason). Obviously such a scheme required the support of a large portion of the ruling class of the kingdom, something not easy to get for someone who goes from being a just and honourable nobleman to a vicious and cruel dictator. So he must find a way (either persuasion, blackmail, intimidation or threats) to get the support required for taking over the kingdom.

Just to make things interesting, let's say this kingdom has an alliance with a 'noble' order (could be anything, Paladins in Dungeons and Dragons, a martial arts temple in a wu-shu style game, a secret organisation of scholars elsewhere, whatever) of people, in which the members of this order are allowed to come and go as they please in the kingdom, doing whatever it is they do. To accomplish the ritual, the villain needed to ally himself with some kind of dark wizardry, who happen to be in opposition with the noble order. This means there is yet another obstacle for him to overcome.

Step 7: What is the villain's primary means of projecting influence?

This is a tricky one. He's obviously somewhat sneaky, able to hold back from acting until he knows it's the right time, but I didn't want him to be too underhanded. I'd prefer if he had some degree of honour or nobility left in him, and that he was somewhat straightforward. To that end I'll make him a leader, he lures others to his side and convinces them to act with him, probably with promises of power and wealth.

But he had to have some degree of manipulator, in order to be forcing the various nobles to support him. Or did he? I've already established a link with some group of evil wizards. Maybe there's someone advising him, luring him down this dark path. This underhanded wizard can be the manipulator in the scheme, the one making the cogs behind the curtain turn.

Step 8: What are the villain's resources?

As established, this villain has some degree of political and personal power, so let's get around to defining what precisely he's got backing him.
  • Skillful warrior backed up by magically enhanced abilities.
  • Fine strategic mind for warfare
  • Some understanding of the subtleties of politics
  • Personal army appropriate for someone of the standing 'Duke'.
  • Social status appropriate for someone of the standing 'Duke'.
  • Agents of various skill levels working for him.
  • Alliance with band of evil wizards, including a highly manipulative and cunning adviser
  • Alliance (willing and forced) with numerous nobles of various standings throughout the kingdom

Step 9: If no heroes were to interfere, what would the villain's plan to achieve this goal be?

Most of this is explained above, but I'll go into a little more detail here. The villain (I'll give him a name. Blackguard. It's temporary, but describes him well) undergoes a horrific ritual (let's make it really horrible, something making people physically ill if they knew all the details) that binds his 'soul' with his perception. The more he is thought of within the context of powerful emotions, the more powerful he becomes. The Blackguard then subjugates his entire plot of land, oppressing all the peasents he can and letting his name be known, to grow in personal power.

Once that is accomplished he needs to move outside his sphere of influence. Let's give him a degree of honour, let's say he's not even necessarily the power behind this whole situation. He wants to become king so he can do the whole thing to further areas, becoming even more powerful for the sake of his daughter. His adviser is the one taking care of most things. The adviser has his agents (let's make the agents mostly the adviser's, the king is left in the dark) do some spying and reports back on what nobles can be persuaded by the Blackguard, and what nobles cannot. Those who can be persuaded find themselves visited by the Blackguard who either persuades them or leavess the unspoken threat remain in the air, to persuade them. The others either are blackmailed, silently threatened, or in the case of those impossible to alter, eliminated. If the heir is more open to suggestion, he's left in place. If not, the entire family is slaughtered to destabilise the group and deny the king his allies.

Once this is all acomplished, the Blackguard moves on the king, killing him and taking the throne, letting the entire kingdom fall under the same oppression all for his own benefit. From there he plans to accomplish similar things throughout the world, basically conquering it.

Step 10: What are the villain's boundaries?

As stated in the above step, the Blackguard is not the manipulative one. Let's take that to the extreme. Let's say he ALWAYS keeps his word, taking a promise as something incredibly important. He may be a vicious, evil cad, but in some ways he is still honourable. He will only kill those who are a threat (or armed, since most armed people won't be a threat). Maybe even, out of some bizarre need to test himself, he lets worthy opponents live so they may test him again in the future, to make sure he is the most powerful he can be.

Of course, this is only his own personal honour system. He isn't stupid, he knows what his army and his adviser is doing to people, but somehow he reconciles it with himself, since HE isn't the one burning down villages.

Step 11: What is the villain's personal threat level?

Quite impressive. As we've established, he's a skillful warrior who is growing supernaturally powerful with the aid of this ritual. He is a quite genuine threat, and one that most likely cannot be defeated by physical means (at least not without considerable effort).

Step 12: How does the villain treat his minions? How do the minions feel about the villain?

Obviously normal peasents trained as men-at-arms aren't going to be emotionless killing machines, they're going to oppose the idea of wholescale oppression of people they may be related to. My first thought is that he somehow brainwashes them (or more likely, his adviser does), but that closes the ability to relate to some of his soldiers who may be forced into situations they dislike. Let's make it a bit more complicated.

About 10-20% of the army is made up of 'dead' soldiers. They've been stripped of all human emotion, the need to eat, sleep and numerous higher brain functions. Through magic they've been made into the ultimate loyal warriors. 50% of the soldiers are normal people, men-at-arms recruited from the peasentry, they're unsure about what's happening, but a fear of being 'stripped' (as the 10-20% are), fear of 'the stripped', and fear of the Blackguard keeps them in line. The remaining portion is made up of mercenaries caring less about morality and more about the payday.

So we've established a lack of care over his soldiers.

Step 13: What are the villain's visual quirks?

Hmm, I haven't considered this step much so far. Let's look at it. His current placeholder name 'The Blackguard' illicits a certain image. Warrior in pitch black heavy armour. Let's start with that, it works. But let's flip it a bit, let's make him a fighter focused on speed rather then strength. Instead of heavy armour, let's make it light-to-medium, chainmail at most, maybe leather with a few sewn on metal plates. Most important should be the helmet. This allows him to present a physically imposing image quite easily, a very visually distinct helmet.

Next let's consider his actual body. We've established the ritual was quite painful, let's make that show. Heavy bags under his eyes, pale skin, possibly a sinewy appearance. Let's alter it a little further with stark white long hair. It's all a little cliche, but in this case it works, makes him incredibly visually distinct.

Step 13a: What would the villain's theme music sound like?

No clue, I'm not very good at music. Let's just go with something more mournful then terrifying.

Step 14: What is the villain's escape plan?

Again, a little less required then normal. Let's say since the Blackguard is a leader, he never ventures out without a bodyguard. In the rare occasions he needs to flee, he simply leaves his bodyguard behind to delay his foe while he flees on foot (or mounted if available).

However that's a bit mundane and easy to catch. Let's make it difficult. Let's say part of the ritual renders him nearly immortal. He has X number of 'lives'. If he dies, he is recreated by an artefact held within his castle, but let's make it even more unusual. Let's say this is the same artefact that 'strips' his soldiers of their emotions, and each time he revives through it, he comes back with a little less humanity. Sooner or later it won't be able to work, and so he'll be too inhuman to come back. But even worse, soon he'll be unable to remember why he is seeking the power, he just remembers that he's seeking it.

So what do you think? I'm liking this character. He's different, and provides a HUGE number of story hooks.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


... So there I was, watching my prostate exam being streamed onto youtube as it happened. "Doctor," I said, "are you sure this is standard procedure?" He chuckled. "I'm not a doctor, I'm a tobacconist."

  • 62. My left foot is bigger then my right. A full shoe size bigger. It means I have to get the half-size between them both and have both feet be uncomfortable. ... What? This is "100 facts about myself", not "100 interesting facts about myself." What were you expecting? The age I lost my virginity? Nosy bastards.

To celebrate one of the most awesome ladies of the internet apparently having a read of my blog(, the awesome lady in question being Zendulo. If I need to link you to her youtube still ( you're obviously not a regular reader) I decided to discuss nerdomance.

First, let us define the nerd/geek among us. There are three stages of nerds.

1. The 'passable' stage. This is where the nerd has a great affinity for a nerd-topic or four, quite enjoying them and being very knowledgable about them, but at the same time it's in no way a requirement of this nerd's lifestyle. The Nerd may often try to hide their nerdiness, pretending they don't have any hobbies rather then admiting to their non-nerdy friends they collect little plastic miniatures. If push came to shove, they could put it all away and feel only a few twinges of regret.

2. The 'Lifestyle' stage. A nerd at this stage is 'out of the closet' as it were. They let everyone know what they're about, and if they meet someone with the same interests they'll gladly talk about it for a few hours with them. They love the lifestyle, but they're not obsessed, they can discuss things outside nerdom with ease.

3. The 'Obsessional' stage. At this point the nerd often focuses on a singular topic, but not always, sometimes they can embrace nerdom as a whole. This nerd is both admired for their will power and dedication, and feared for their bizarreness and odd nature. Their dedication to the cause leaves them a LITTLE underprepared for other sitations.

I like to think I fall squarely into the second stage. I don't even try to hide my nerdiness anymore, but at the same time I can function in situations that don't require it. Most nerds would be predominantly stage one, occasionally venturing into stage two for more widespread accepted aspects (major computer games like Halo or World of Warcraft, or movies like Star Wars).

In general, each stage of geek is after something different romantically, to fit in with the nerdiness they've let into their life.

1. For this geek, nerdiness or lack-thereof doesn't matter. If they hooked up with someone, but found they really disliked the person's hobby, they wouldn't struggle too much with a decision to shelve it.

2. The stage 2er isn't likely to put away a reasonably important part of their free time, even if the potential partner is pretty awesome. Instead the stage 2er requires at least some kind of respect for their choices, if not mutual enjoyment. After all, what could be more awesome then a lazy rainy saturday night in sitting next to a significant other watching awesome movies for 7 hours straight, both of you humming the theme tunes and riffing on what they get wrong?

3. Stage 3ers need people interested in their passion, nothing less.

As a stage 2er, I'd need someone with at least a degree of respect for my hobbies and interests. And I've discussed this both in the blog and in real life, if I'm proposing to a lady, I'm gonna do it nerd style. Either I'm gonna go down on a knee with the tip of my sword resting on the ground, or I'm going to wear a brown coat and make a Firefly-style speach. It's a difficult choice.

You know, the idea for this post sounded alot cooler in my head.

Well, I need to finish on a good note, so here:

Best Death Scene Evar.