Friday, May 15, 2009

200th post

Well, let's have a retrospective look at the last 199 posts on this blog, with some of my personal highlights pointed out.

I began the blog with high hopes and little conception of what I would actually focus on. 'Topics of nerdity' was my entire brief to myself. Really, I was writing more to myself then anything (I still am, since my readership on a normal day is somewhere between none and "I came here under the belief there is porn?") This can be seen in posts such as the ill-fated 'character' posts. At the time I was writing a half dozen different things (as opposed to now, when I'm only writing two), and as such making up characters for fun. Looking back, if I could I would do something different there, but I'll leave them there now for archive purposes.

For a long time I was undertaking two regular side-streets to my posts. The "100 things about me" and "Non Sequitor Story" things were an amusing idea, just not really applicable to the nerd theme. While I'm proud of the ones I made up, they didn't really fit into the blog.

Really, I think the first post where I took a tone I would adopt later, was this one.
Computer games need good writers

It's about then I started actually discussing things of interest to fellow geeks. A critique of the story involved in a computer game. From there I went past a few retrospectively embarrassing posts, but over time it slowly tilted towards something I feel fits in better with the nerdgasm theme.

Aside: Hmm, I just realised something, for a blog titled 'nerdgasm', I spend alot more time ripping on nerdy things I dislike then building up nerdy things I like. Meh, geeks are meant to be full of INDIGNANT RAAAGE.

I have to say, the start of my blog actually being what it is today came with this post.
The fifth Random Bag post.
The 102nd post is about the time this blog started actually fitting into the theme I prescribed for it. It started actually describing geeky stuff, occasionally branching out into geeky (failed) attempts at humour.

A few of my personal highlights, posts I really enjoy in retrospect:

Game Designers need marketing training: A look at how the games-industry habit of getting the designers to showcase their games can sometimes backfire. I was happy with this one, since it was a genuine criticism of the presentation of a nerdy passtime.

My first foray into criticising Blizzard: I have fond memories of this for obvious reasons.

My lack of caring about Aeris' death: The post that had me labeled as heartless by a few people I know, but it's the truth. Aeris as a character just annoyed me. Aeris, and Final Fantasy seven in general, just irritated me, and this post gives you a reason as to why.

My first criticism of Obsidian, via their game Knights of the Old Republic 2: As readers know, Obsidian is my Moriaty. Except they don't even know I exist, so maybe they're my Dagon. I dunno, whatever works. This was the start of my public hate-hate relationship with them.

I just like the metaphor I used for the current gaming era, here.

A couple of rare examples of a positive attitude in my posts

Anything else of interest is near enough the front page it should be easily found.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did: E.G. Spent twenty minutes pondering which links are worthwhile, then finished it prematurely so you could get back to playing Playstation.

Here's to another 100 at least.

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