Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Dreaded Bag of Random

Posts shall be sporadic at best over the next week. Monday to Thursday, I'm working 8 until 5-6. Thursday to monday, I'm relaxing near a beach with excessive alcohol in my system. It's a hard life I've got.


Every now and then I read through random news, and I came across this. This is goddamned awesome. Only question I can ask myself is "Were I trying into that town, would I stop, turn around and flee?"

The answer is yes. Yes I would.


Absolutely awesome site. I'm already making use of it. It forces you to write, something I have a hard time disciplining myself to do (although apparently if I'm writing useless stuff, I can do it pretty well. You know those recent posts talking about where Final Fantasy 7 failed and Knights of the Old Republic was painful? Both over 1.5K words each.

Oh, and if you want to know what the "horrible sound" it promises should you violate the extreme alarm is? It's Hanson.

3. I am horrible at guessing ages. I've mentioned this before, but now it's just ridiculous.
Everyone reading this blog should be a fan of Mythbusters, and if you're not you're probably reading this post by accident, somehow unintentionally ending up here looking for Halo leet tactics (if so, apparently insulting the sexuality of your enemies is popular) after I made a few posts disparaging Halo.

Have a guess in your head about how old the various Mythbuster teams are. Now go wikipedia it.

I know, I know. I'd guessed Adam and Jamie at 50s, while Kari, Tori and Grant were early 30s. Turns out the trio are all mid to late 30s (Kari 35, Tori and Grant both 38), and Adam's only 42. Man, I suck at ages. It must be because they're all having fun with pyromaniacal glee. I don't associate people over 20 as giggling at giant flaming explosions.

4. My brother used to be a major Warhammer 40K (plus Necromunda and Blood Bowl) player. He lost interest when they started making things really serious. He began playing in 3rd edition (as best he can remember), but still collected their monthly Magazine (White Dwarf) until about issue 270. He's got these, and out of boredom I've been picking them up to have a look-see every now and then.

Dear god did it get wanky. More to come in a larger post about where Games Workshop buggered up their own canon, for me.

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