Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Assassin's Creed

Well, I have been neglecting this lately, haven't I? Don't worry, this isn't all I've been neglecting. E.G. My Honours work.

As I was playing Assassin's Creed, I came to two conclusions

1. I REALLY enjoyed the 'meaningless tasks' in between Assassination missions that everyone else seemed to hate. I might just be weird, though, but I really liked having to pick-pocket information from people, punish guards taking advantage of civilians, etc. Even more fun was when I buggered it up and had to escape.

2. The more important conclusion for this blog: Assassin's Creed could be made into an AWESOME movie.

Sure, the game takes X many hours, and the movie could take up, at best, a fraction of that, but look at what the game is at it's basic level, and you'll see how much of the game would be removed from a movie. Ignoring the boring traveling scenes (they'd be montaged down, at best), for obvious reasons, let's look at what would actually BE in a movie. You'd probably end up with a movie that consists of maybe four sequences of Desmond outside the Animus, along with a couple of quick scenes inside the memories where he is getting confused as to his own identity (along with some soft science reason as to why he is 'controlling' the memories, probably using the explanation of the 'size of the fish that got away changes').

Inside the Animus there would be the initial failure scene that inspires the whole quest, of course. This would be followed by, I'd say, two assassinations, one where he lets arrogance get the best of him and he's wounded in the escape, the other where he is appropriately patient and successfully manages the assassination. In preparation for both of which he learns more about the McGuffin. This is an optimistic guess, in all likelihood the middle of the movie would be one assassination, at best, possibly even none.

The finale of the movie would have the attempted assassination of the big bad guy, that fails because he's smarter then the others involved, but eventually he's killed after a dramatic sword fight. Afterwards he finds out about the traitor using the McGuffin for his own ends inside the Assassin's group, gets the forgiveness of the dude injured in his failure and expertly assassinates the traitor after the revelation of the McGuffin's power. He probably uses the newly forgiving friend to help out (E.G. Gets the friend to wear his costume and approach the guy from the front, getting his attention, while he sneaks round back and knifes him in the bollocks).

... Man, I really want to see that movie now.

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