Friday, March 13, 2009

Electronics Boutique games is a rip-off

Just a short post today dealing with something that annoys me.

If you're a fan of Zero Punctuation, or otherwise live here, you may have heard the prices for games in Australia. They're ridiculous. Recent events have brought to my attention that these prices may be majoritively the fault of Electronics Boutique games.

"Ha ha," you snidely laugh, dismissing my proposal without a second thought as the two dimensional Socratic Dialogue rip-off that you are, "what a poorly constructed arguement.

For your entertainment I submit two links.


And BAM!

From $110 Australian to $55 Australian (although to be fair, the Dstore one I ended up buying in the end WAS on special. It was down from $60).

You tug your collar awkwardly and begin sweating like a Walrus under the withering gaze of my arguement. "Well surely," stumbles out of your lips like a drunken hooker, "the shipping cost makes up for the difference."


No. The shipping would have been $10 or so. I bought it piggybacking on a friend of mine buying something else there, and they had a special on that weekend wherein shipping was free for two or more items.

Even had I bought it by myself and forked over the shipping, and had it not been on special, that still would've bene a saving of $40. I could get myself half a case worth of beer at my local bar for that. I could buy nearly a full case of beer for that at the bottleshop.

EB nearly denied me a dozen beers. And for that they have my eternal hatred.

And now, just to round things off:

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