Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas break

Today I worked out one of the main things that bugged me in the difference between Christianity and Islam. Among Muslims, it's not unusual to name a son Muhammad, after their Prophet. However, you don't get many Christian children named 'Jesus', for some reason. Part of me is tempted to raise my first son atheist, and name him Jesus, just out of my love of Irony. Or name him Loki, for gits and shiggles.

  • 78. When I was younger I was a Santagnostic. I never really had an opinion on Santa existing or not, it didn't change anything of my life.

Short post today. I'm just letting you know I'm taking a few days break over the Christmas period, since I think I've damn well earned it. Over a hundred blog posts up, and a semi-regular readership established (at least according to Google analytics).

So instead of actual words, I'm once more going to let You Tube do my work for me.

I think it's a load of bollocks, but you have to admit it's hilarious.

1 comment:

Pixelation said...

The Mexicans name kids Jesus all the time. Also: Christian, Maria, Jose, and Abraham. I guess it's a language thing. In English, Jesus sounds pretty silly.