Friday, December 19, 2008

The Predator is WAY cooler then Aliens.

I want to make a cocktail called "The Disintegration". Not because it disintegrates your stomach, etches glass, or anything like that. I just want to make it so I have an in-joke about Darth Vader telling Boba Fett he's not allowed any Disintegrations on the job.

  • 72. I have just returned from a family gathering. Some of my family are nice, others I'm glad I only see on a yearly basis.

Ok, I've got something that's been bugging me since I saw the movie (again) earlier today. You've all seen the Predator movie, right?

You, up the back, the one who said you haven't, leave now and do not return until you've seen the movie. And you, over there, the one who asked if the second one was enough, no it's not. The second Predator movie (AKA "Danny Glover gets his arse kicked and runs away for 90 minutes") does not count for the purpose of this question.

Ok, now we're all up to speed, let's get to the thing that's been bugging me.

Let's work out the basic assumptions here.

1. The Predator sees in Infra-red throughout the movie.

2. When the Predator removes his mask, he still sees in the infra-red spectrum, but everything comes off as quite red. This implies two things.

2A. To the Predator's natural range of vision, everything in that hot jungle is visible as quite warm. Not boiling, but most definately above the ambient background temperature.

2B. Since EVERYTHING shows up as red, presumably the mask's function is to allow the Predator to differentiate the heat on Earth more effectively. This implies the temperature differentiation on his home planet (that which his species adapted to) is far greater then earth.

3. The Predators are attracted to Earth in times of extreme heat, according to the lines spoken by the ONLY woman in the entire movie.

3A. The general assumption made from this is that Predators come from a very hot planet, and they come to Earth in times of extreme heat so they're not too uncomfortable.

Ok, let's just analyse a few things here. For Heat-vision to be effective, it needs to be able to differentiate the user's pray from the surroundings. For that to work the surroundings need to have one 'reading' and the prey need to have another. On Earth, in general the surroundings are blue (colder) and the prey are red (warmer). However, the Earth background in this hot temperature the movie is set in reads as red (warm).

There are two ways this can be explained. Firstly, the standard prey of the Predator homeworld is far, FAR colder then the background temperature (enough that the temperature differentiation, a quite reasonably amount, can be naturally accounted for in the Predator's sight), which is quite quite difficult to fathom since any creature living in such a warm environment would have it's body temperature dragged up by the environment.

The other option is that the Predator Homeworld is actually COLDER then the Earth's equator-based jungles. Reasonably colder, too. Cold enough that it is greater then the deviation in temperature between the ambient temperature of a humid equator-based jungle and a commando who has strained his body to its limits.

Either that or I should repeat to myself it's just a show, and I should really just relax.

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