Friday, November 14, 2008

Stupid ideas on the internet for all to see

"Mr Lucus? We've done some focus group testing, and we've found out that no one likes the Jar Jar Binks character. In fact, many people find him offensive."
"You have failed me for the last time."
"Mr Lucus, please, no! *Choking noises*"
"I expect your replacement to be more willing to do as I say."
"*Choking noises, followed by the dull thump of a body hitting the ground.*"

  • 40. I have three swords. I have no need for swords, I do not expect the Saxons to come sweeping down the hill, burning and pilaging what they please. I just have them. One of them was a present for my 18th birthday, two of them my parents brought back from China. One is half a Katana (literally half. It's just for display purposes) while the other is like a tiny cutlass. None of them could do any damage. Well that's a lie, the one I got for my birthday is a relatively heavy longsword, more then capable of giving someone a severe concussion. It's just blunt.

I'm quite bored, and as such going to go watch some DVDs. But before I do, I figured I should update the Nerdgasm.

Then I realised I have nothing worth updating. No grand schemes have come into my head. No trivial nerderific ideas have hit me while drunk (or if they have, I can't remember them). Nothing piques my interest at the moment (at least nothing I can discuss in public among all you voyeurs. Friggin' pervs.)

So, I'm just going to throw some ideas out that I've had regarding a certain topic that most people can appreciate. Computer games.

  • Ever heard of the game Battlezone II? I didn't think so. Highly undervalued game of the past. A pretty decent RTS with FPS and vehicle based combat elements. It exposed me to the first time, the problem of the FPS/RTS. Either the 'player' is of equal strength to the units, or they're highly underpowered/focused on bufferage to push them into 'leading', rather then doing it all themselves. If they're of equal strength, nothing can stand up to them since the computer rarely can meet a person for strategy, and so the player can romp through everything. If they're underpowered/buffage, the game plays as a poorly designed RTS, and the FPS elements are crap.
  • Mount and Blade. Highly awesome Medieval third-person RPG/Action game. The only game I've ever genuinely LIKED how they've done mounted combat. And watching 15 Horsemen crash ito the flank of a group of 30 infantry/archers, scatteirng them with their impact, is always AWESOME. It's a pity it's an indie game. It just feels unfinished. Then again, if it was studio-made, it would probably be changed majorly.
  • If there was a well made fantasy mod for Mount and Blade, including proper spells and crap (very rare, but present, and powerful when used right) I would be in LOVE.
  • If they made a studio-made Mount and Blade 2, I would be very, very happy. Especially if they threw in the 'DM' AI I mentioned in a previous post.
  • I have three computer games I want to see made in my lifetime.
  • The above mentioned Fantasy-Mount-And-Blade-II-with-AI-software. That would be sweet and a half, and anyone who disagrees is a communist, whom I shall sic McCarthy on.
  • A Mechwarrior or Heavy Gear RPG. Mechwarrior has RPG rules for it, and Heavy Gear was MADE as an RPG/Strategy board game hybrid. It would be absolutely brilliant, and if the story was well scripted it would be a shoe in for Game of the Year. Think about it, you've got easily three different levels of combat. Infantry, Robot on Robot, Army on Army. The games have built-in political machinations that make the story interesting, and both have to deal with outside invaders causing strife
  • Transformers MMOFPS. Infantry combat spiced up by having the infantry changing into vehicles that can alter the way the game plays out. A huge skirmish erupts, the Decepticons send out a group of three Motorcycles to a hilltop nearby. Two of the riders jump off the motorcycles, transform into artillary pieces and lay down some fire. The motorcycles transform into infantry and act as guards alongside the remaining rider. The Autobots send jets over to put down straffing runs on the Decepticons, but the remaining rider transforms into a flak gun and shoots them out of the sky
  • If you didn't get at least a nerdection from that last point, you have no soul. Or alternatively you're a woman, in which case you should've at least gotten a metaphorical nerdection. You know, the "If I had a penis, it would TOTALLY be using all my blood supply right about now" kind of feeling.
  • I want a badge that says "Ask me about Grim Fandango." Not only would it be a humerous reference to Grim Fandango, it would be a humerous reference to Monkey Island III
And there it is, my innermost thoughts down for all to see.

I'm ashamed, there's nothing remoting approaching interesting there.

I must be uninteresting.


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