Monday, November 24, 2008

Less Common Nerd passtimes 2

Less Common Nerd pass times 2
AKA: "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!"

"Execute order 66."
"Of course sir, would you like fried rice with that?"
"No, I mean kill all the jedi."
"Have you SEEN what we put in our order 66? If they survive this, they DESERVE to lead a rebellion to overthrow your wrinkly ass."

  • 48. ... I have encountered one of the most awkward things to be revealed in an internet conversation. "We're just taking a break from having sex, he's in the shower so I'm checking some emails."
Have you ever heard about LARPing? (Live Action RolePlay). If you have, it's probably because of the following relatively well known videoclip.

Yeah, there are ALOT of geeky weirdos out there.

What I wouldn't give to be one of them.

Ladies and gentlemen, if I had the opportunity, I would LARP. I know, alot of you are probably closing your browser windows upon reading that embarrassing sentence. But it's true. Not all of it is weirdos walking around throwing little bean bags shouting "Lightning bolt!". Check out the following.

I don't care who you are, being able to sit down and design that outfit is AMAZING. As my current unattainable crush ( says in one of her vlogs "Being a nerd is about passion". I would love to spend a day or two out in the middle of nowhere, dressed like a moron with a bunch of other people, having an AWESOME time. So help me, it's the truth.

But I jumped into this a bit quickly. LARPing is another branch of roleplaying. It is essentially improvisational acting. When you roleplay you create a character, throw them into a situation, and have him react appropriately to the character you've created. This can be done in a roleplaying board game (in which you get together with friends at a location and describe what your character is doing) or in an online computer game (where you get together with people you've likely never met and let the game mechanics work things out). The third option is to LARP. This is where you dress appropriately for the part, meet with a number of people in a rarely traveled location, and act as your made-up character would.

There are as many kinds of LARP as there are kinds of roleplaying games. For more info on the various types, look it up on Wikipedia.

LARPers make normal nerds look like boring accountants. They. Are. Awesome.

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