Thursday, November 27, 2008

Random Bag 2

... My barely conscious mind is quite together. I know this because of how I wake up. When I wake up it takes me about 20 minutes to become genuinely conscious, and in that time I'm capable of turning off my alarm (not hitting snooze or flicking it off, I mean genuinely turning OFF my alarm clock. Once an alarm was so annoying I removed it's batteries in my sleep), eating breakfast, showering and getting dressed before I know what's happening.

  • 52. I don't GET Halo. I mean, I can play the Halo Games, see the enjoyment factor, and have a bit of fun. But I don't get the fanboyism. I find certain parts of it enormous fun, but... It just doesn't trigger blood flow to my personal areas like it does to some people.

1. What is Twitter? Can someone explain this to me? It's something in Nerdom I don't know much about. From what I can see it's basically just like a miniaturised version of the facebook "update your status" thing that can be done by phone. Should I be getting in on this thing? Will it be another situation of "hey yeah, I'll get in on this! ... Why is not one reading my twittering?"

1.5. Felicia Day, when it was noticed on a large panel at a Con (nerdhand for 'Convention', basically a get together for nerd-loved things. Examples are Comic-Con, Dragon-Con, etc) with her hands beneath the desk looking down. She replied "Don't worry, I'm just twittering", before she realised it made it sound like she was... 'ahem'ing in public. There was much applause and embarrassment. Later while she was saying how excited she was about the project, Nathan Fillion said "Did you twitter?"

2. I cannot get certain songs out of my head. Which is bad since I've sometimes had multiple songs stuck in my head at once. I've had "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley merge seemlessly into the Firefly theme song. Which is horrible, in many many ways. The Firefly theme song is blood-flow-to-groin worthy.

"Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out to the black
Tell 'em I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me

There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me."

Sorry, got a little carried away. Pardon me, I need to go purchase a Brown Coat.

3. I would LOVE to learn a martial art. I think all nerds would. The trouble is that in real life I'm quite non-violent. I struggle to make myself throw even a joking punch. Only martial arts I can see myself learning are Tai Chi (since the fighting aspect is secondary at best) or Parkour, the French art of movement. Basically Parkour isn't about fighting, it's about getting from point A to point B in the quickest, most direct route. Look it up on Youtube, there are some INCREDIBLE things they do. Remember that slippery little bomb making bastard in the start of Casino Royale? The actor was using Parkour. The trouble is I'm not really agile enough to use it, and my spatial awareness sucks. The entirity of my dexterity is in my hands, from firespinning.

4. I have recently fallen into a feedback loop of game losing. 'The Game' is basically where if you think about the game, you lose the game (everyone reading this has now lost 'The Game'). When you remember it, you must announce "I just lost the game." It is while you are remembering it you can have fun. To that end I took a photo of myself holding up a piece of paper with the words "You just lost the game" written on it, put it on Facebook, and tagged a bunch of people.

It was hilarious at first, now every time someone loses the game they feel obliged to post it on the photo, which means the photo again shows up in my updates, which means I again remember the game, which means I lose AGAIN.

I have lost the game alot this week.

1 comment:

Pixelation said...

I say - Try twitter. People make with it what they wish. I make jokes and follow news organizations. I have friends on twitter and sometimes we chat for 140 characters at a time. If it's not your deal, big whoop.

Your song kills me a little.