Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why are the stupid people on MY Interwebs?

"I'm going to become rich and famous when I invent a way to stab people in the face over the internet"
Anonymous -

While typing in my friend Anson's name in my phone, predictive text gave me two options before going to the name I had to program in myself. "Bosom" and "Cosmo". That is the GREATEST PORN NAME EVER.

  • 90. The reason I enjoy RPGs so much over other games is the potential for customisation. Character customisation is a must. I need to be able to alter nearly everything about the character, so I can play as many different possible characters as I am able. The more I can customise about the game world, the better.

Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to complain about something.

"You!?" I hear your Socratic-dialogue-equivilent (AKA potentially imaginary person used in a literary form to take the position of the Devil's Advocate in the arguement, for the purpose of being outwitted verbally and arguementatively and so to make the reader think an arguement must be irrefutable) cry out in shock and surprise, "but you're always so level headed and uncomplainative!"

After I point out that 'uncomplainative' isn't a word (thus increasing your opinion of me, thinking how clever and intelligent I must be) I then go on to say that yes, I must indeed complain.

I have long held to the theory that as a given population (of any group, nations, social clubs, internet forums, etc) grows, the visible moron population grows exponentially. Note I say VISIBLE, in all likelihood the moron population grows in a linear fashion, but among morons there is a higher chance of them making themselves visible. This results in the morons of the world being a more vocal group, and being more likely to speak up when the option to speak up is present, while intelligent people are more likely to choose to remain quiet. I believe this is the reason many foreign countries have a negative view of America. Have a population of 200 million, and there will be ALOT of visible morons. But I digress.

This problem is at its most evident in the medium you indulge in now (I mean the Internet, not blogging. Hopefully I am not one of those verbose morons). On the internet the fool speaks up and asks stupid questions where the normal person reads and enjoys. Among smaller communities the fool is less likely to be welcomed and so will move on, restricting the growth of that particular group in that community. But among larger communities their growth is unrestricted, and the inability to effectively chastise them for being idiots (Gabe's internet anonymity theory plays out here) results in their moronitude flourishing.

("But Steve" the Socratic Dialogue personification cries, "moronitude isn't a word, and you chastised use for using incorrect linguistics!" I ignore you, making you feel like your complaint is petty. You all bow down and worship how awesome I and my arguements are.)

Let us look at where I personally encounter this most. Youtube.

Go to Random Youtube videos, and sooner or later you will encounter them. They spout contradictory messages such as "this suks ive done beter videos chek em out but hey this is pretty good", or asking ridiculously obvious questions such as "what song is this" when the song is named in the description, in the video, and several times in the comments.

And then there are the ever popular insult posts. These continue in a self perpetuating cycle of two people who disagree accusing each other of being homosexual in a derrogatory manner (if you're really lucky, they're even accusing each other of being African American in a derrogatory manner). These continue on for a while before one party loses interest (possibly distracted by a shiney object, or dragged away from the computer to return to learning basic spelling and social skills), but usually by that point someone else has waded in telling them both to shut up and commiting the same stupid insult attempts as both of them did.

Thank you for letting me vent on this subject.

1 comment:

Pixelation said...

HOLY CRAP!! I remember Bosom Cosmo from a movie or something.

Hey - Get a account or something, yeah? We're starting that group blog and I need a way to send you an invite.