Thursday, January 15, 2009

Someone make Silhouette programs for RPGs

Ace Ventura is the first place I ever saw a Mangina. What is a mangina? Don't google it.

  • 99. Someone I know who I find quite physically attractive (it's a she, just so you all know) recently lost all attraction from me. Why? Nothing they did. I just had a horrible dream where I walked in on an Eiffel tower involving her. Don't know what an Eiffel tower is? Don't ask. I know it's unfair, since it's nothing she did (and no, for those Freudians out there, it doesn't mean anything), but still... bang, attraction GONE.

I've worked out what I enjoy about roleplaying games (as in, the pen and paper ones). Considering I've never played them, I can't imagine that qualifies. It might, but for now I'll just write it off saying "It's obviously something else." It's not the ability to munchin* out uber characters, since my characters are decidedly un-uber, and never made to min-max outside of the normal "Well this guy is a light-armour wearing melee-er, so I'll get him weapon finesse and a high dexterity" or it's equivilent.

What I love is the ability to codify different concepts of characters. A while ago I bought the Hero system character creator version 3. A long while ago now. Before I even started this blog. Do you know how many characters I made? Over 100.

I made up over 100 characters, probably 90 of them unique (there were a few who had a couple of characters who had more then one stat sheet, for various reasons) including: Back story, motivation, powers, personality and appearance.

I love just making up characters, and give them some type of permanency through a series of numbers defining who they are in a sense of physical (and sometimes social) interaction.

I recently downloaded an excel spreadsheet, that was incredibly designed (thank you, Adam Kent) allowing me to make Star Wars Saga edition RPG characters. They need to use this in the sequal to Knights of the Old Republic (I don't count the upcoming MMO). (EDIT: Since a couple of people have gotten here through google searches looking for this excel sheet, I went back and found where I downloaded it from. Here.)

This works against me sometimes. I love the Heavy Gear system (named Silhouette, used in a variety of gaming systems) from what I've read of second edition. However there are no computer programs to allow you to make characters OR vehicles in it (and it has the best vehicles creation system in a game I've ever seen. And I've seen a reasonable number of RPG systems) available on the internet.

If it had those programs, I would rant and rave about it for MONTHS. But I just. Can't. Find. Them.

I'm tempted to write my own excel spreadsheet about it all.

Yeah, I can't do it.

*In Roleplaying terms, a Munchkin is someone who ignores all attempts at 'story' and character development in order to 'win' and make the most powerful character possible.

A quote for future reference that I must keep hold of. The law of comedy threes.
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time, COMEDY."
- ANt (all capitalisation is deliberate)

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