Monday, January 12, 2009

Running low on the funny

See below

  • 93. In games, other people may be completionists, power-desirers ,realism cravers, or even Along-for-the-riders, I'm an Aestheticist. I don't mean things have to look incredibly stunningly gorgeous. I just mean they have to look cool. There are better graphics then Rome: Total War, but I was jaw-dropped when I first watched 100 Cavalry-men charge into the rear of unsuspecting Spearmen. It just looked awesome.

Short post today about a struggle I'm enduring with this blog.

As long-time readers know, there are three constants in nearly every post.

1. The English Language

2. Opening with a joke (which used to be an NSS)

3. One of the "100 facts about me", which will be finished in a bit over a week, at a guess.

I am running out of funny things. I know most of them weren't that amusing to start with, but now I have... nothin'. I need quick "heh" funnies, rather then long "Ha ha ha!" funnies, and I just can't come up with them.

All the NSS' I come up with are ridiculous nowdays, I've used up all my best (though they went for a LONG time, so I'm proud of that).

And after I ran out of those, I started coming up with weak jokes, quoting actual commedian's good ones (and listing the name, of course. If Uni has taught me anything, it's "Reference, you bastard") and occasionally quoting people I know.

But I have run out. I have no more funny I can think of.

Gah! I need to read some bad joke books, or something.

1 comment:

Pixelation said...

Welcome to my life.

Things I've found work: thinking about other things.

I'm ten times as funny now that I'm back at Uni than the same time last year. You need input for your brain to process it into something funny. Trust me.