Friday, August 28, 2009


You know what I enjoy? A movie that knows precisely what it is and honestly just doesn't give a shit. G.I. Joe is a perfect example of this mentality, it knew from the beginning precisely what it was going for and went for it with the force of a thousand hurricanes. Boobs and explosions. It knew what sort of movie it would be and it didn't try to disguise it.

Today I saw a trailer for a movie I intend to see. It's called... are you ready for this? I wasn't.

Ninja Assassin.

Yeah. It's that open about it. It's name is basically "Guy who kills shit REALLY WELL" It's like if they called Die Hard "Pissed off white dude" or Pulp Fiction "Criminal anecdotes + dead people".

The movie - from what I can tell from the trailer - is about a Ninja who assassinates people until he decides he doesn't want to assassinate people or be a ninja (so really the title should be "Ex-Ninja Assassin" or "I can't believe it's not a Ninja Assassin"). Of course the retirement plan involves killing EVERYONE so he doesn't have to kill again. It had a sharp knife on a piece of chain, lots of swords, and ninja stars that had a rate-of-throwing that could challenge machine guns.

This movie knows precisely what it is, and just goes to do that REALLY WELL. There was no hint of a love story in the trailer (though there will be at least half of one, it's an accepted fact in movies), all there were, were a large number of people getting killed to death. I want to see this movie.

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