Friday, April 17, 2009

How to trail, and how not to trail.

How NOT to make a trailer.

How to make a trailer.

Notice the difference, studios? The former was a mess of nonsensical action scenes that showed no precise enemy. It presented nothing of the plot other then "there's an enemy, and people want to run but someone says 'there is nowhere to run'". It's a mess, it shows nothing of the movie. This isn't a trailer, or a teaser. It's just clips from the movie so shortened they make no sense.

The latter one, though? The latter one had style. It summarised in brief what the movie was "there are mutants killing everyone, and mankind has been so driven back we're trying to leave earth. But Ron Perlman has a plan to save us, as long as the REAL Punisher is involved." Then whetted our appetite with a few choice action sequences, feelings of drama, and dramatic moments. THIS is a trailer.

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