Friday, August 8, 2008

New character time!

... So that night is the reason I've always had my mobile phone number embroided into my underpants.

Since I don't have a witty topic prepared, today I'll just do two things:

1. Go read It's done by a good mate of mine, who created the NSS.

2. Time for a new character thing!


History: Born to a wealthy, nurturing family in France, Andre Goeleb was the toast of his upper class group of Friends. Regular trips to various European countries locations of significance when he was young made him realise two things. One, that there was such nobility found in the great men and women of past times, such nobility that no longer seemed to exist. And two, that he felt empty. There was no great war, no great cause of his time that he could stand up and be proud of participating in. This emptiness consumed him, right up until his twenty second year of life, when superpowers suddenly appeared in the world. Andre Goeleb was one of the 'lucky' ones. He found himself with superhuman strength and endurance, able to take a bullet to the chest and not drop. Once when learning the extent of his powers he was even accidently impaled on a three foot long metal spike, to which he responded by climbing off it, looking down at the wound, and being amazed as he watched it close straight up in front of him. He knew his life would never be the same, the world was changing, there were causes to believe in, life changing events were happening!

Unfortunately for the world, he met 'The Lord'. An ancient, near immortal man, the charismatic Lord was easily able to persuade Andre to join his side, talking about how under the reign of himself, the world would be improved for the better. Andre was easily seduced to the cause by talk of being seen as the first lieutenant of the new world order.

Personality/Motivation: Goeleb is fanatically loyal to his master, at times seeming more like a barely chained attack dog then a leader of men. Despite that he maintains his upper crust attitude to life and other people, making snap judgements about the worth of others and mostly refusing to deviate from those judgements, unless something spectacular happens.

His near invulnerability means he is a genuine leader among the Lords soldiers, more then happy to charge headfirst into the fray, leading the way for the rest of the troops. They follow his powerful example, often not even considering that this battle is alot less likely to be fatal for him, then it is for them.

As a sign of his devotion to his master, he scars himself every morning, a factor not many people understand, but then, he isn't someone easily understood at all.

Powers/Abilities: A powerful healing factor and diamond hard skin coupled with strength enough to casually lift a sports car aloft without winding himself, means that Andre is one of the most feared direct combatants a person can face. Highly intelligent and tactically minded translates into a mind that can work its way around problems he would have trouble facing in single combat. Perhaps his only weakness is the ease in which he was brainwashed by the Lord, possibly indicating that his mind, while intelligent, isn't the best at protecting itself.

Appearance: A six foot tall tall, athletically muscular man, usually dressed in either a formal suit or his battle uniform. A single thin scar runs down his face over his eye, in many ways improving his looks. His face usually holds a polite smile in most situations. The only thing that seems to remove it is anger at troops who have failed his master, or pure rage at people who've insulted his master.


Pixelation said...

The healing factor was mentioned in today's dinosaur comics:

Pixelation said...

ha ha.

Oh, and cool. I want a fiercely loyal follower.