Wednesday, August 6, 2008

So there I was

In honour of my mate Carlos leaving, I shall now make it a habit to put up nonsequitor story points on the blog.

What's an NSS? It is for when someone new joins a conversation, just for you to say out of nowhere to make him think he's missed part of the most awesome story ever. And so, here are some examples.

1. ... So there I was, around the middle of the line of people, starring off at the penguin tank in the distance, with somone else's pants around my ankles...

2. ... And then this absolutely ENORMOUS guy, nearly seven feet tall, more muscle then organs, walks up and asks me to dance....

3. ... And to this day I have no idea what happened to my hose, or why he thought a watermellon was a suitable "I'm sorry for what I did" gift.

Edit: Additional:

4. ... So there I was, clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, and I was stuck in the middle with this guy.

5. And I look up from pulling up my pants, and there's this little old asian lady grinning at me. And to this day I don't know if she was laughing at me, or laughing with me.

6. ... So what else could I do with him looming over me? I congratulated him on an excellent Optimus Prime costume and left.

1 comment:

Pixelation said...

... So there I was, masturbating furiously over a picture of chopped salmon when my girlfriend's mother walked into the room. And, what can I say? That only made me more aroused.

... And so, apparently a fart is not the proper response to "will you marry me?"

... I mean, how could I have known that the TV in the maternity ward would actually have the Playboy channel?