Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Say cheese!

... All I could think to say was "I just shat myself", to which Mr William Shatner took umbrage, but apparently it was the password, so I was allowed into the treehouse.

I have no idea where I'm going with life. Currently I have two distinct possibilities in front of me.

1. Get into Honours. This requires a class act of Blarney-stoning in which I convince the Honours convener that I was a victim of the Bellcurve and deserve to get in. Then it involves doing serious research about the nature of internet society, possibly cyber crime so that, worst comes to worst, I can get a reasonable job eventually with some cyber-protection group working for 'the man' or some crap.

The major problem is I just KNOW I'll bollocks up the research somehow. The fact of the matter is I'm genuinely not really an academic person. I can't quote anyone outside of popular culture, I have trouble remembering the theories of particular MAJOR theorists within Sociology (and everything else) despite having studied it for THREE AND A HALF YEARS.

2. Say 'bollocks to Honours' and apply for a diploma in Screenwriting. I've been doing research into the AFTRS Diploma in screenwriting, and already put stage 1 of a 3-stage application in. I do want to try and get into Screenwriting, even if I'm stuck in a boring drama series or something.

A problem with this is as the Diploma is part time, I won't qualify for Vet-Affairs support, so I'll have to (shock horror) get a job. Probably the main problem, however, is that I just KNOW it'll be full of arty wanky people.

"And what does this fight scene between the two protagonists say? Does it imply the inherent instability of relationships within civilised society?"
"Well, no, more just they think the other is a Russian spy."

Sometimes a cool fight scene between a cybernetically enhanced Ninja and a magical Samurai is just a fucking cool fight scene, and not an allegory for the inherent opposition within society between rationality and mysticism.

In the end I'll probably apply for both, and to be perfectly honest take the Screenwriting diploma if they accept me (which I'll find out before the Honours thing)

Ideally though, the comic I'm currently trying to write at the moment (80% through the 'overall' part of the proposal, with 10,000 words down, and finished the script for a first issue at 5,000 words. I plan on writing scripts for issue 2 and 3 to give them an idea of where it will go after the overall series introduction) will be sold to Dark Horse, they'll give me wads of cash I can use to buy a Stormtrooper suit, exercise equipment, masses of alcohol, and potentially a hooker or two (cocaine not included, unfortunately). And maybe if there's some left over I'll do things like 'plan for the future'.

P.S. On an unrelated note: Go, play, be merry. My pseudo belief in the Force actually did pretty well in the God-battleground. Second highest honour. Only trouble it had was one of semantics, in which it thought the inherently man-made nature of the force could condemn a serial rapist.

1 comment:

Pixelation said...

I recommend you consider which option is the rational choice given the circumstances and go against that.

So... join the circus.