Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An amalgamation of the past two posts

Just because I thought it would be amusing, I'm going to apply the post about the three aspects of the villain (Motivation, methods, style) to the post about Malice, a villain I came up with for the Heros RP PnP system.


Malice's motivation is two-fold, focusing around greed, with an arm stretching out into insanity. His basic motivations are incredible selfish. He wants money and respect, with no care for the harm he causes others in getting it.

If that weren't motivation enough, his sadism and minor psychic abilities meld together to give him an extra motivation which is a mix of insanity and greed. Insanity, because he desires the pain of others, but greed because he desires satisfaction of his own addiction at the detriment of others.


Not quite as memorable for Malice, but his methods are still unusual. If he were part of a larger villain organisation, his role would almost certainly be distraction.

His usual modus operandi to achieve his full strength is to go into a crowded area, and just start shooting people randomly (already the sign of a true villain). When a threat arrives, he allows the surrounding suffering to overwhelm him, and transform him into 'Malice' form. It's a method that's unlikely to be copied, that's for sure


The trick here is that style isn't necessarily Chilli Palmer, it's just a uniqueness to the character, a 'gimmick' if you will, that makes them stand out and be unique. For Malice it's alot of it is the desire for strength and the lengths he will go to to achieve it.

If I do make use of him in a RP-campaign of some kind, I imagine later on (after I've gotten good use out of him) I'll have a game or two where Malice, in his desire for more power, undergoes experimental procedures that turn him into an even stronger, animalistic style of creature. It's at this point where the heros, who hopefully will have been genuinely heroic in their actions, will have no option but to kill him. With any luck, played well it could be quite a conflicting, challenging moment for them.

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