Friday, July 11, 2008

Welcome to the Nerdgasm

In introduction, this is one of many blogs started every day that will probably:
A) Fail to be read by anyone outside the writers immediate real life circle
B) Fail to be regularly updated outside of one month
C) Fail to be interesting

I go wholeheartedly into this project of verbalisation-of-my-thoughts fully knowing that is is, in all likelihood, going to fail so badly it will forever taint my self image and confidence in ability to finish projects.

First, to introduce myself. In general you only really need to know a couple of biographical facts, and two important factors that aided in my decision making.

Biographical facts: I am a twenty one year old Australian male who has recently finished a bachelor degree in Social Science.

Important factor 1: Having just finished my degree, I have now entered what I term my 'begin life crisis', for the first time in my life I now have genuine decisions in front of me, and require more then a certain mark to progress to the next stage.

Of course I am fleeing with pants-wetting speed from this decision, and decided to apply for Honours. However, due to a cock up of my own, I finished my degree mid-way through the year. Honours doesn't start until next year. I have at least four months before Honours applications are even considered, and even further after that before I would genuinely get started, even if I am successful.

And so I find myself in need of a job to fill the time, and a hobby. So, what better hobby then the self indulgent nature of blogging. Sitting in my tiny corner of the internet screaming at the top of my lungs "Look at me! Please someone in the world validate my life by reading the bytes I'm pointlessly uploaded onto this database of naked celebrities and cat pictures!"

Important factor 2: I am a geek.

Not only am I a geek, I am a mega-geek. In the Power-Rangers-like reality of geekism, I'm not quite up there with the Ultra-geeks, but I'm pretty damn geeky. I know what THAC0 stands for (To Hit Armor Class 0, used in an old edition of Dungeons and Dragons), I have recently purchased childrens toys from ten years ago (Beast Wars, and I have some more on order), I quote star wars in casual conversation ("It's a trap!" and "Your powers are week old man, you should not have come" are personal favourites). I play MMORPGs and Roleplay in them (my main character had a wikipedia like page about him of 42kb in size, before I killed him off as part of an ongoing storyline). If the option was available, I would bloody well LARP (Live Action Roleplay).

To make it even weirder, I am a the 'jack of all trades' of geekdom. There are a few parts of the wide world of geekdom I don't know much about (Anime I am completely ignorant on. All I know is there are a couple of different schools of it, Ninja Scroll is very bloody, and Akira doesn't show up much in a movie named after him. Oh, and Guyver was a fun TV show), but in general I am pretty knowledgable about a wide variety of things. I can wow Star-Wars ignorants with my knowledge, but against a die hard fan I'm dead in the water. To people who struggle with computers I can seem very intelligent, but to anyone who's actually opened one up, I've got nothing.

But to anyone who reads this who doubts my capacity for true geekdom, I submit these facts to you.

1. I have GMed a roleplaying game that uses the dungeons and dragons ruleset, based in star wars, using the 'KotOR' era. Not only that, but I did it over the internet with people I've never met, except through an MMO.

2. Despite the above game failing (there were too many players, it was hard to co-ordinate everything properly), I am planning to do so again. But this time I am learning a ruleset I have never encountered before in my life (Hero-system) specifically so it can be played with those rules. This possible game, played in a Super-hero world, already has been populated with a half dozen different villains for the PCs to face.

Tremble and quake in fear, mere mortals, for I am the worst kind of geek.

The Geek with no practical skill.

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