Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hungover post

Rather then try to write anything of significance today, I'll just describe one of my dreams. As in "What I dream of doing one day" not "I fell asleep and next thing I knew I was in a circus being chased by tyranosaur". That kinda dream.

In the vague future, when I've managed to become wealthy and have my own home, I am going to purchase about twenty 'Revoltech' style toys (look them up, pretty cool) of one or two different series (ones aesthetically compatable). I'm then going to buy a glass case, and an 'urban' scenary piece from a hobby shop that fits perfectly into the glass case. After that I'll get a few more things, like cotton wool painted up to be either smoke or explosions. Once a week I'll arrange the toys into a diorama of an action sequence, if possible with 'smoke' flying from their guns when they fire, generally showing them blowing each other apart.

Good times.

Yeah, yeah, I know, not interesting. Well you try to write amusing shit after a night where you had two Long Island Iced Teas in the space of an hour.

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