Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I love a good conspiracy

Time for some just simple fun posting. It'll be a short one today, but if it inspires you to type 'Conspiracy' into google and enjoy the fun, then congratulations.

Conspiracy websites are my guilty pleasure. I love reading through them and laughing. The moment the site claims that a commonly known conspiracy (such as the moon landing being faked, or Area 51) is merely a distraction to prevent us from seeing the REAL conspiracy, you've hit a goldmine.

Some of my personal favourite conspiracy claims.

  • The 'Greys' (short aliens with whispy bodies, grey skin, and large heads) are SUPER EVOLVED DOLPHINS FROM THE FUTURE.
  • Aliens are actually Djinn (what's often translated as Genies in the West) of Islamic scripture, looking to get laid. That 'anal probe'? Alot less scientific then you think.
  • Aliens cause magic.
  • Jack the Ripper was just an over-eager member of the Freemasons
  • The American two-party system is run by a single party, which is actually an amalgamation of the Democrats and Republicans.
  • Jesus is a descendent of Atlantis
  • The KGB is run by the Teutonic Knights
If you read all of that, and did not:
A) Shake your head with a rueful chuckle or,
B) Laugh openly

Then you need serious help.

P.S. The airbase people claim is area 51 is hidden on Google Maps. DRAMATIC MUSIC.

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