Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Upcoming attractions part 1

In my own highly arrogant style, I choose to believe everyone who matters is interested in what I am interested in. So, with that in mind, let's have a look at upcoming things that, I believe, will bring THE AWESOME to the party, or at least have the potential to do so.

1. Dragon Age. No one who has been anywhere NEAR this blog will be surprised by this.

It's a Bioware (tick) made western RPG (tick) focusing on a gritty gothic fantasy (tick) world where the player create their own character (tick) including their origin story (tick) without relying solely upon a 'good vs evil' morality system (tick). Your character is the last hope of the world in an epic struggle against horrific monsters (tick tick), attempting to unite the powers in the region against them, forging your own army to stop the potential destruction of the world as you know it (tick tick tick).

Nothing more to say, really.

2. Infamous/Prototype. I am interested in both of these games, but I have a serious dilemma. Which one do I get? They come out at roughly the same time, and both look great, how do I decide? Let's compare the two.

One is a sandbox open world game where you play a character waking up to find himself with super powers, in a city in chaos. You have to use your powers to find out what happened, all the while jumping, climbing, flying your way around the city and dealing with hordes of enemies, learning new uses for your powers.

The other is a sandbox open world game where you play a character waking up to find himself with super powers, in a city in chaos. You have to use your powers to find out what happened, all the while jumping, climbing, flying your way around the city and dealing with hordes of enemies, learning new uses for your powers.

Oh dear.

That's my problem, dear readers. While I'm sure once I get into them they will play incredibly differently, have different stories, characterisations, options and choices, they just seem too similar at first glance to decide. It really comes down to: Do I want to play a shapechanger with an Assassins Creed hood, or a Lightning thrower in a game with comic book aesthetics?

3. The second Transformers movie. I know the original wasn't anything groundbreaking, it "broke" the original series, all that sort of crap, but I friggin' ENJOYED it. It was a fun movie, I like the way Shia played his character, and I will admit if Megan Fox offered, I would say yes.

Can't embed this one, you'll have to click a link. SHOCK HORROR.

There were alot of things I would like to have seen done differently, but overall it was a decent movie. And now the most important part comes, seeing what they do with part 2. It could go one of two ways.

A) It does the same thing nearly all sequels do, misunderstand what made the first one enjoyable and screw itself over (Matrix 2 springs to mind as an example. THE MATRIX MOVIES ENDED WITH NUMBER 1).

B) It actually does what the behind the scene stuff suggests. Now that the first movie has gotten all of the introduction and backstory out of the way, they can focus the movie more on the actual Transformers themselves.

P.S. Mr Bay, should you stumble across this, please bring back Jazz somehow. I know it'll invalidate the whole "death is permanent" thing all stories should strive for to make it a genuine threat, but it's far preferable to his fate. Seriously, if you wanted Megatron to seem threatening, have him kill Ironhide, not the second smallest Autobot in the team.

4. My marriage to Aysel, the Azerbaijanian entrant to this years Eurovision. Ok, so I don't even know her yet, I can't conceive of a possible world in which I would ever meet her, and the likelihood of a girl as gorgeous as her, who's intelligent enough to know multiple languages being interested in me is very slim, but I've got things in my favour!

Such as....


Shut up, a man can dream. Sorry Zendulo, you may have been displaced as my dream-girl.

1 comment:

Pixelation said...

Assassin's Creed Hood. That seems mysterious.