Sunday, May 10, 2009

Duke Nukem

Scheduled outage: It's been 5 days since my last post. Sorry about that. Just a short post today.

Duke Nukem Forever is no more.

All I can say is 'finally'. I'm not an FPS person, FPS' and me have had an awkward relationship ever since Doom stuffed me in a locker in the prime of my youth, leaving me there for days until I learnt the no-clip cheat and could get my own back by teleporting around his levels and beating up whoever I wanted with god-mode and full ammo.

In general, there is no joke I can make about the fate of Duke Nukem that hasn't been made a thousand times before. This isn't to seem surprising, since the game has been coming out for TWELVE YEARS. Over half my adult life has been spent developing this friggin' game. If they released it and it didn't cure erectile deficiencies in the entire audience and/or AIDs, then they have wasted twelve years of their life.

Twelve Years. That's twice the length of World War 2.

Everything that can be said about the Duke, has been said. There's just one thing I want to know. Where did they get the money? Surely the only way to be paid to make games is to make games. Their investors must have been exceedingly patient to allow them to sit on their asses making balloon animals while they were supposed to be making the game.

Did they really have a job where they just wasted 12 years and got paid for it? If so, bravo. I am mucho impressed, and wish to apply for this job.


Pixelation said...

"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.... And I'm all out of gum."

-Duke Nukem

Pixelation said...

Meh. I dug FPS... when I was 12. Now it just seems silly. Give me strategy any day.