Friday, September 4, 2009

Ideal Space Empire game part 4

Now, let's talk about the final part of designing the ship. The subsystems, and bringing it all together.

As described in part 3, subsystems are balanced by four requirements. Manpower, energy, space and money. So those will be mentioned in the description of each part I talk about. If these subsections have special requirements, larger-or-smaller variants or improve with research (either automatically or opening up improved versions) I'll mention it.

Crew cabins
Manpower: Adds to your total (amount added depends on size)
Energy: Low drain
Space: Low-medium space (depends on size)
Money: Relatively low cost.
Description: These increase the amount of crew a ship can have. They range from small cabins (designed for corvette class ships) to massive living quarters (designed for destroyers and up). Since it is very difficult for research to make minimal living quarters smaller, these are relatively standard.

Energy generators
Manpower: Low
Energy: Adds to your total (amount depends on research level)
Space: Low space
Money: Moderately expensive.
Description: Most energy generators have a relatively similar size, some may be a little smaller, some a little bigger. The exception would be fighter/corvette generators, which would be smaller versions of the Frigate+ class generators. As research into generators improves, the generator designs both give more energy and cost more. However the generators in place in your designs will not alter, meaning to take advantage of generator research you must regularly update the designs.

Command center/Cockpit
Manpower: Moderate/adds to your total.
Energy: Low drain
Space: Low/moderate
Money: Moderate
Description: The command center is an essential part of the ship, no matter it's class. It determines the maximum amount of manpower and energy the ship can cope with, as well as giving slight bonus' (depending on it's quality) to all the ships abilities (accuracy, damage, speed, etc). Fighters have a different variety, the cockpit. This adds a very small amount of manpower to the fighter, usually just 1 (the pilot), but some larger varieties may add 2, potentially even 3, for fighters with turrets. Obviously command centers/cockpits will increase with research by a small percentage, but the true benefit to research will be to upgrade better varieties, and some more specialised versions.

AI banks
Manpower: Modifies Manpower requirements shipwide.
Energy: Moderate drain
Space: Low
Money: High
Description: AI banks are improved as research in their field improves, but the true benefit to doing the research is opening up even better AI bank designs. These function by reducing the manpower required by all systems by a set percentage.

AI Running
Manpower: Adds to your total
Energy: Moderate drain
Space: Very low
Money: Moderate
Description: While AI banks improve ship running by making things easier for the crew, AI running actively replaces the crew. Levels of research improve the quality of AI, meaning it grants both larger manpower bonus', and a lower penalty at a cost of increased energy requirements. AI running manpower lowers the capabilities of the ship in the same way command centers increase running.

AI Pilot (Fighter/Corvette only)
Manpower: Replaces total
Energy: Low drain
Space: Very low
Money: Low/Moderate
Description: Similar to AI running above, AI pilot is only for Fighter and Corvette class ships. It replaces the cockpit, meaning the ship is piloted by an AI as opposed to a living creature. This frees up more space for other systems, with the penalty that the AI pilot suffers a similar penalty to AI running, and are capable of only basic combat moves. This penalty is lessened with further research into the area.

Corvette/Fighter Hanger
Manpower: Very high
Energy: Low drain
Space: High
Money: Moderate
Description: Fighter and Corvette class ships are the only ship design that do not need to be given a ship drive. Instead a smaller ship engine can be mounted granting reasonable speed, acceleration and maneuverability at a lower cost, at the expense of being unable to move on the battle map. To counter this the Hanger is used. Fighter and Corvette flights are linked with a ship that holds a dock, and wherever the ship goes the fighter/corvettes will follow. This comes at the cost of lessening the capabilities of the ship hosting the hanger. Different types of hangers with different advantages (lessened space, lessened manpower cost, greater ship capacity, etc) will be found through further research. These must be placed on the ship's model in a location that will allow the ships to leave their host.

Ship launchers
Manpower: Low
Energy: Moderate
Space: Moderate
Money: Moderate
Description: The ship dock is different from a ship hanger, although it functions in a similar manner. All they really contain are the ships themselves, meaning pilots cannot enter and leave, nor the required support crews to look after the pilots. This means only AI piloted ships can use these launchers. These are the true benefit of AI pilot ships, since they are easier to contain on a larger ship then Hangers. Research opens up designs that can hold more ships. Similarly to hangers, these must be placed on the ships model.

Repair systems
Manpower: Low
Energy: Low
Space: Moderate
Money: Moderate
Description: A series of automated drones held in the ship that can repair both the ship, or other ships in the same fleet. Research opens up more efficient (and more costly) designs and makes current designs slightly better.

Manpower: Low (for individual turrets)
Energy: Low drain
Space: Low
Money: Low
Description: When placed on a ship, a further Mass Driver or Energy weapon of appropriate size can be placed in that turret, greatly widening it's field of fire. Turret turn rate and maximum turn arc is determined by their model, with more effective turrets having higher money, energy and manpower costs then turrets with a slower turn or limited arc. Using the right turret in the right location is crucial to making cost effective ships.

Based on how much I've crapped on so far about weapons and defences, I won't go on about them now.

Well, there you have it. A look at a primary aspect of my ideal game, ship design mixed with a bit of the research. This isn't even touching on ground combat, empire management, racial modifiers on empire management, different styles of combat ship (front on shooting Vs 'ship of the line' style), all that nonsense. Be glad, otherwise this series would go on another twelve posts or so.

Well, that should be all I want to say on this topic for a while. I'm vanishing off until mid next week to do work on my Thesis. Tah.

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